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Nadia and I spent the whole evening driving around the city. She has dragged me from one shop to another, explaining how we needed to find the best of the best bridal accessories for me. According to her, I should be the most wonderful bride in history.

We had made several stops at a number of food stalls for snacks and cafes for coffee, alternatively driving to the different destinations. Nadia was having the time of her life driving the Lamborghini and so was I, but that was not the reason for my smiling all day like an absolute fool. Every time I thought of Aaron, a happy smile unknowingly appeared on my face, and since I was thinking about him all day, it never left.

Hours later, Nadia and I were too tired to walk anymore and too full to eat anything else, we drove back home. Nadia stopped the car outside dad's house, tossing the keys to me. She grabbed more than half of the shopping bags and made her way inside. I took the rest of it and followed her inside.

With all the happy time I was spending with Aaron and Nadia these past days, I had totally forgotten about the people I shared the house with.

Lahaina was sitting in the living room, flipping through a magazine. Usually, she would ignore my presence when 'busy', but today, surprisingly she made the effort to come out to block my path and greet me. She hadn't acknowledged Nadia, nor tried to stop her, but Nadia being Nadia had stopped in her way—she loved the drama.

"Where did you get that thing from?" Said Lahaina, in her usual pissed off tone. She jutted her chin towards the doors. Without even turning around, I knew what she was referring to. The car that Aaron got me.

"You're back early," I commented, trying to change the topic. I did not want to talk to her about Aaron. I could not. Not after everything that had happened recently.

"Yes, I did. And it shouldn't bother you whether I come home early or stay out the whole night. Mind your own business," Lahaina glared at me, her eyes holding the murderous anger that she was trying to contain inside her.

"Exactly! Mind your own fucking business, Lahaina," Nadia replied. Unlike Lahaina, her voice was sweet, sugary—sarcastic.

"Stay out of this, Nadia Hayden," Lahaina shouted at her, then turned back to me. "I asked you about the car. Answer me."

I had seen Lahaina angry more often than I had seen her happy. Whenever I was around, she was always mad at me. I was like a curse to her, destroying everything good in her life. If only she knew she was the one doing that to me.

It should not come as a surprise that she was going to hate me so much more now. But the way she looked at me made me shiver. Her hands were clenched into fists as if, if ever given a chance she would wrap them around my neck and remove the biggest hurdle in her life with no remorse.

I opened my mouth to answer, intending to end the conversation by giving her the answers she wanted, but Nadia stopped me. She walked back to where I was and came to face Lahaina.

"She is not answering you, Lahaina! And don't you dare raise your voice at me. I can be the worst person you know and I assure you, you don't want to see that side of me. And about that car, well, Aaron Woodwords gave it to Caro. Yup! The same Aaron Woodwords who rejected you," Nadia raised her voice with every sentence she spoke.

I was shocked to see Nadia like that. I knew she did not have the best tolerance level when it came to people she hated, but this was something totally new. Though Nadia often lost her calm, this was the first time I was seeing her so mad at someone. Even Dylan had not been able to earn that level of hatred.

Just as shocked as I was at my best friend's outburst, I could see a similar expression on Lahaina's face.

"Well... Nadia, why don't you come to my room. We still have a lot to discuss," I held Nadia's hand and started pulling her up the stairs, to my room. I didn't want these two to get into any further arguments. As much as I appreciated Nadia taking a stand for me, I was aware of Lahaina having the power to damage her career.

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