Chapter Sixteen: Like Father, Like Daughter

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"Jax, let's go have a smoke man." Opie said in a low tone as he put a hand on Jax's shoulder. Jax shrugged his hand away, his eyes looking down at Eva as she was hooked up the various machines. The drugs she had taken were strong, so strong that Eva had overdosed right there in his arms.

Had he not been there, she would have died within minutes after injection. She had been out for nearly two days, her breathing finally stable and her heart rate normal. Jax was just waiting for her to wake up, waiting for her to look at him once again. He hadn't left her side, his eyes heavy since he had barely slept.

"You find out who she got the drugs from?" Jax asked as he finally turned to look at his friend. His eyes were tired and red rimmed from the hours he had spent crying. He felt like this was his fault, that he was the reason she had taken a lethal dose of heroin. He knew he should have told her to just come home, since if she had, everything would be different.

"Lets talk outside man, come on." Opie said as he gently pulled on Jax's cut. Jax finally agreed, knowing that the nurses would alert him if she woke up. He walked out into the sunlight with Opie, Juice and Tigs all waiting for him by their bikes. He knew in his heart that whoever sold her the drugs was a dead man, and he was going to pull the trigger.


"The drugs came from a local dealer named Mendez, he lives in a white house about ten minutes from here. We can go now, and take care of it." Tigs said as he lifted his cut, his pistol gleaming as the light hit it.

"It has to be me, that's my woman in that bed—I'm gonna do it." Jax said as he slipped his leather gloves from his cut and walked towards his bike. The entire ride he thought of Eva, how she nearly died right there in front of Abel. Had he not given her CPR, she would have died leaving him a more shattered man that he already was. He could still hear Abel crying and screaming as Jax tried feverishly to bring her back to him.

He couldn't imagine ever living without her and he didn't want to. He feared if she died, he would die soon after, and he couldn't do that to his son. The guys parked a few houses down, knowing full well that this asshole had been tipped off. He was no doubt ready for a fight, a fight he was going to lose.

Jax signaled for Tigs and Juice to go around back while he and Opie walked up the front steps. He drew his gun and kicked in the front door, the sounds of men and women screaming hitting his ears like a long-lost song. He held his gun out in front of him as a blur of druggies and whores ran past him.

"WHERE IS MENDEZ?" Jax shouted as he pointed the gun at a slender man with no teeth, the look of fear in his eyes causing Jax to have pity on him. He motioned for him to move, his eyes catching a glimpse of someone in the Living room. Jax tensed as he saw Mendez holding a woman who was scared out of her mind, as a human shield. 

"I don't got no trouble, Teller. "Mendez said, his voice shaking as he knew his time was up. Jax clenched his jaw as he stepped forward, his gun aimed at Mendez's head. He knew that a man like Mendez was no killer, just all talk. Jax shot Mendez in his knee causing him to scream in pain and release the frightened woman, Tigs moving aside as she ran past him and out the back.

Jax walked up to the injured man, no pity or sympathy inside him as he held the gun to his head. "You gave my wife a lethal dose of drugs, you got anything to say about that?" Jax asked in a calm low tone. Jax and the guys laughing as they watched Mendez pee all over himself.

"I didn't know man, please don't kill me—it was a mistake." Mendez begged, Jax shooting him point blank moments later. He was not going to forgive some stupid drug dealers mistake, especially when it came to his woman.

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