Isolation or Love?

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"Good Monrning!" Said the classroom in unison while the teacher got in the classroom while the class was about to start.

The teacher was calling one by one for attendance. We were about to start class when suddenly-- the classroom's door when open. It didnt took me a while to realize who entered the classroom. Only one person was able to get into the class 15 minutes late. Well lets tell who it is. No one else than Min Yoon Gi, the trouble maker. I always had this class with him, wait shouldn't i say ALL my classes with him? For the past 3 years. You could count 4 with this one that begining. 

"Again late Mr. Min?" Asked the teacher. "This would be a week staright of coming in late!! Do you still want to pretend nothing happens?" He said.

"Sorry Mr. Han I'll try to come early from now on." Min Yoongi said while taking seat next to me. Yes it was a burden to sit next to him. 

I had never really payed attention to him, but today it seemed different. I could feel having his eyes on me. I had never really payed attention to anyone. Always ignored anyone. Never opened up to anyone, not even a person.

"So anyone wants to do this math problem?" Asked Mr. Han. I could feel all the pair of eyes on me. The class would always look at me to go and give the answer, but this time it wasnt like any other time.

"Min Yoongi, you want to do this?" Asked Mr. Han, apparently someone had raised their hand. I was surprised since no one had ever raised the hand. Min Yoongi went up and did the problem in less than 10 seconds. I could hear a gasp escaping everyones lips. I looked up and saw that he had finished the problem. I could see Mr. Han's face scanning the math problem like if he was looking for a error. 

While Min Yoongi came back he smirked at me. I was surprised since I had always had this class or rather would i say all the classes with him but he never had cared about anyone except himself. 

"Thanks for the answer!" He said while giving me a smirk.

"What?" I whispered. 

"I could see it all! You never cover up your notebooks." He said. I was shocked. So he was copying me, Nice one Yoongi.

I turned around to keep in my assigments. Today had been a different morning , i thought. In the end of class i would do this every day. Pack up my stuff and go to the library to do my assigments on my 20 minutes break, but someone had stopped me. Min Yoongi.

"hey!" He said.

"What do you want." I coldly replied.

"Can you tutor me?" He asked. I was dumbfonded.

"What? Me? I cannot do that! And not eve with you!!" I replied. "Oh also can you please leave my wrist alone i need to leave." I added, oh i forgot. Yes he took grip of my wrist.

"No, until you say you will tutor me for math! I'm really bad." He said. I was growing impantient I wanted to leave right away and do my assigments.

"Fine, but let me go. Also if i tutor you, you need to show that you really need me to tutor you." I replied.

"Okay." He said while smiling. What wrong with this dude? Smiling to a complete strager. "So when do we start?" Yoongi asked.

"We can start tomorrow morning before class begins." I said.

** Hours later**

I was going home. I was thinking of all that had happened today. It was really a odd day. Crap... why did i agree to tutor him?

"Ahh!" I groaned in frustation. 

"I'm home!" I said, waiting for no response. I knew what would await me. Emptiness. I always knew there wouldn't be anyone at home. I walked up the stairs and changed in to something more confortable. I did my homework and went to lay down in bed. I put my phone to charge it was already 9 PM. Damn times goes by past. I cannot imagen what will await me tomorrow.

**Wanna know what will happen next? Read the other chapter to find out! I hope you like it!~**

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