1: Ultimate video game?
°don't play them
°________ is the best!!2: Ever been seriously lost?
°No, why would I have been
°Yes I ______________3: Ever been caught not paying attention in class?
°OH, yeah!!4: °Secret Garden
°Public Park?5: YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE!! What do you grab?
6: Do you know someone that you think can read your mind?
7: °chocolate mints
°mint gum
°hard mint candies?8: How many pairs of jeans do you own?
9: °cookies
°candy?10: Ever written a poem?
°I guess I have
° nope no rhyming over here!!11: Wear slippers?
°Yes they are______12: Healthiest food that you like to eat?
13: Iron your clothes in the morning?
°Yes, I actually do
°Are you kidding? No I don't!14: Ever been grounded?
°Yes 😢, and for________