Dear love,

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Oh love. Oh bittersweet love. How can you be desired and feared at the same time? How can you be a thing people dream for and spend some of their lives looking for? How can you be so cruel but so damn rewarding?

Oh love. You don't even understand your own context. Do you? Can you even understand yourself? Do you have any idea how many people get confused by you because you don't have one straight meaning. Do you have any idea how many people get confused by you that they mistake it for something else? Do you know how many people fall for you? Do you know how many people get hurt and lost in you?

but most of all,

Do you know your beauty? Do you know how so damn beautiful you are that people crash and burn for you. People have a passion for you. A passion so deep that it consumes them.

Its strange. Oh love how strange it is. People use you to build relationships, people use you to live happily. People use you to make the most remarkable art unimaginable. People could do so many phenomenal things with that passion that comes with you that is dangerous.

Oh love you're so dangerous and people are to blinded by your front cover that they don't bother to read you. They don't decide to read you and they just end up buying into you with no return. They are stuck with you until they throw you away. But they cant forget that they bought into you, you took something from them when bought.

See love you come with warnings that people don't see. You come with a fine print. You come with uncertainty that is so beautiful that it is painful.

i don't even know why i'm saying these things, who am i to give a definition to you when even you cant define yourself. Tell me love do you have one clear definition that people could live by? Do you have any guarantees for people without mistakenly mislead them? Do you have a guarantee that you're just like the stories, like the movies? The music? The art?

Look i'm not trying to attack you, don't get me wrong your outstanding, your the reason people start families, your the reason some people actually live, your the reason that some people have a smile on their face. Hell your the reason people get inspired to create amazing things.


your also the reason for heartbreak. Your the reason the damn word exist. Your the reason a heart can split into two. Unable to be repaired, only be able be put back together. Only surviving instead of living. Never the same as it once was.

Is it truly your fault? Maybe. It isn't your fault that people give you many definitions, it isn't your fault people chose to define you, but it is your damn fault that your four simple letters didn't come with instructions.

Then again, that is one of your charms. That we don't know what to expect from you.

Another thing, I don't know why some people have to define you in a way to make it seem like only certain people deserve you. Was that your intention? To only have certain people have you and not the damage? The different. The corrupted.

I guess we could never know, can we? You have no rules, you have a context people don't read.

Perhaps one day, love, someone can love you the way you intend to be defined as. Oh love perhaps if you find love yourself people can understand! Oh love how brilliant would that be!?

Oh love i hope to the day we meet, i hope the day when i'm happy. Do i know what that means, do anyone out there hoping the same know? Hell some people don't know a feeling as foreign as happiness to even get a taste of you.Probably not, but just like you, love people have to take a chance and find.

People have to give you a chance and maybe they could understand you, instead of rushing in and missing your purpose.

Perhaps one day, you know?

Oh love, this is goodbye until we meet.

Dear love «#Collateral Beauty»Where stories live. Discover now