6. Stressed

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Melissa (Zooey Deschanel)>
2 hours later
"Melissa do you know where Rivers teddy bear is at?" I asked as I dug through Rivers toy box while he screamed and cried behind me.

I think his head still hurt.

"No, the last time I saw it was when it was on his bed in the house" I groaned, that means I'll have to go get it and possibly have to deal with my parents.

"Mama, teddy!" River cried and I was worried he was making his head hurt more by how hard he was crying.

"Baby" I said as I picked him up off the ground and rocked him. He buried his face in my neck and sobbed.

His crying was understandable because I know if I was in pain I would want something to comfort me.

"Baby, will you stay with Melissa so I can get your teddy?" I asked softly. He picked his head up and reached towards Melissa.

Melissa immediately took him and began rocking him.

"Wish me luck" I said before leaving the condo and walking towards my house.

I didn't know if my parents were actually here or not but I was still going to be cautious.

I opened the back door and walked in quietly.

I raced up to rivers room and saw his teddy bear laying in the middle of his bed, so I grabbed along with his big baby blanket.

I went back down stairs and spotted my parents sitting on the couch. I just hoped they would let me leave without an argument.

I began walking towards the back door when I heard my mom speak up.

"Can't even say hello to your parents?" I turned around to see she was still looking down at her magazine while my dad looked at his phone.

"When are you leaving?" I asked since I really didn't care about being nice to them.

"You know the least you could do is be nice to us" my dad said while looking up from his phone.

"Why? You've never been nice to me" I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"We didn't raise you to be a brat" my mom said as she set her magazine down.

"You didn't raise me at all" I scoffed.

"Oh please, you wouldn't be where you're at today without us" my dad said but after that comment my mom turned to him and started laughing.

"Maybe if she followed what are plans for her were she wouldn't be a mom and her life would actually have a meaning" that was a punch to the gut. I know they say things just to get under my skin but it still hurts.

"My life does have a meaning! Just because I'm not famous and people don't know my name doesn't mean my life doesn't have a meaning!" I was pissed.

"If people don't know who you are then what's the point in living! I should have just given you up when you born like I wanted too" I literally stepped back at that comment. My mom was a bitch!

"Then what stopped you?" I asked.

"I never wanted kids but he convinced me to keep you and Paris, I'm glad I kept Paris but I regret my decision on you" I noticed movement behind the couch so I looked and saw Paris and Camden standing there.

Paris had a shocked expression on her face at what our mom had just said.

"You both are fucked up"

With that I turned and stormed out of the house.

Before I walked into the condo I calmed my nerves and tried releasing all the tension that had built up in my body, it wasn't working so I just put on a happy face and walked into the condo.

River was sitting in Everetts lap giggling even though his face was still tear stained.

They hadn't noticed me yet so I just watched the interaction.

Everett kept grabbing rivers hands and would shake them and move them all around in dance move motions which River absolutely loved.

After he played with his hands, Everett leaned in and whispered something into Rivers ear and it must have been about me because River whipped around and immediately reached his hands out towards me.

"Hi love bug" I said as I picked him up off of Everetts lap.

"Teddy!" River squeaked when he saw it in my hand. I handed it to him and he hugged it close to him.

I just stood there and rocked River in my arms while he hugged and played with his teddy bear. River was my teddy bear, he made me feel better when I was having a bad day.

"Are you okay?" Everett asked. I gave him a confused look since earlier he wouldn't talk to me.

"I could be worse I guess" I said with a small smile as I watched River slowly fall asleep on his teddy bear. His eyes kept fluttering because he was trying to fight off sleep but I knew he would be asleep soon.

Just as River had fallen asleep the condo door slammed open and in walked a furious looking Paris and a timid Camden behind her. The door scared River because he jerked awake and looked around in a panic before settling on Paris and letting out a smile.

"Aunt Paris" he said while reaching out towards her. Paris took him into her arms and kissed his temple.

"I hate them" she said while rocking River.

"You don't hate them" I told her.

"They didn't want us Brynn so,yeah,I hate them"

"I understand your frustration but they love you so you don't hate them" I said softly.

"Can I stay here tonight?" Paris asked and I looked at Melissa who had walked into the room when she heard the door slam open.

"Of course, you'll have to share Brynns room" Paris let out a breathe of relief.
Everything was quiet in the condo.

Camden and Paris were sitting on the couch watching a movie, River was asleep in my room, Everett had disappeared and Melissa was in her room.

I decided I needed some time to myself I walked outside and went over to the little bench that was in the backyard but to my surprise there was someone already sitting there and as I got closer I realized it was Everett.

He looked over when he heard me and I saw the cigarette between his fingers.

"Can I join you?" I asked and he nodded so I sat down next to him.

"I didn't know you smoked" I said after I watched him let out a mouthful of smoke.

"I've been trying to quit but I've been stressed today"

"I can relate to that" I saw him look at me even though it was dark.

"Wanna try it?" He asked while handing me his lit cigarette. I looked down at his hand before grabbing it out of his hand and taking a drag from it before handing it back.

"Whoa, I didnt expect you to actually do it" he said with a chuckle.

"I haven't smoked since I got pregnant with River" he looked at me with a strange expression.

"What happened between you and your parents?" He asked.

I just shrugged.

"I could ask you the same thing" I said while staring out into the dark yard.

"I'll tell you my story if you tell me yours" he said and I turned to him to make sure he was actually serious.

Sorry it's been so long, I've been very busy and I just haven't had the energy to write anything!

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