The Alley Man (Part 1)

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I looked up as i ran down the dimly lit alley.. shadows were jumping on the walls threatening me to run even further, there were garbage every where scattered on the floor.. It... Stinks. The stench that filled the air with a smell of dead things. There was also the smell of the sweat that was pouring down my face as i staggered to catch my breath. A noise catch my attention.... They were back? ......I dived quickly in the nearby pile of garbage that was nearest to the flickering lamp post. "Where IS HE?!" "FIND HIM! He Must Not Escape. Nicholas Wants him back for Tonight's Auction. Quickly! " I Burrow my Head even deeper as they ran past. I peeked out to see if they had all gone.Suddenly A hand grab me and Clammed me at my mouth, Unable to shout for help, I start to feel Real dizzy, and my body felt limped.... as i fell to the ground, the last thing i remember was The lights above me swirling and the familiar smell of Hermes' 24 Faubourg*. (*Hermes' 24 Faubourg One of the world's 10 most expensive selling perfume selling @ About $1,500 per oz)


"Resolver ellos!! Darles a los 50.000 dólares en el maletero. (Spanish~Settle them!! Give them the 50,000 Dollars in the Trunk.) " -Click*- As i open my eyes which felt strangely heavy. I saw a masculine silhouette stand above me blocking the light source above him. "Where is thi..s..?....?" I stumbled to get my words right. As i fumbled about trying to get myself up... the ground felt soft? and silky..? I Open my eyes trying to focus on the surrounding. "Hey, stop! Que se haga daño.(~You will hurt yourself.) Voy a conseguir agua. (~I will Get you water.) Sit. " the Guy who wore the strange jacket walk over to the kettle and got me a glass of water. This room looks like one of those Suite Rooms you did see in The Ritz-Carlton @ Tokyo. (Note: the hotel mention here is a real one you can check it out the next time you visit Japan, Tokyo.)


"¿Quién es usted? (~Who are you?) I questioned. Standing before me was a 6.3 ft masculine model look alike man with broad shoulders and a cold look that seems to have engraved in to his face the tie and suit that he is wearing looks like those out of the stores of Alexander Amosu*. "Minombre es (~My name is) ...Jorden. ¿Cómo se siente (~How do you feel) , Eric?" Although he seems like a intimidating person,something tells me i shouldn't cower in fear, after all... looks can't tell a person's personality. " ¿Dónde estoy? ¿Quién esusted? ¿Quién es usted exactamente? ¿Es usted uno de los hombresde mi padre? (~Where am i? Who are you? Who are you Exactly? Are you one of my father's Man?)" I want to know. Just, Why am i here.Is it my father's doing... I don't ever recall wanting to associate with any thing that has to do with my father, just as when i obtained my freedom already, i don't want to be caged in again... (Alexander Amosu: The World Most Expensive Suit Sold at this Store;


"Yes. I am one of your Dad's men." Followed by a period of silence... The Silence turned to become that of a rampage. I burst out laughing in cat fit as i deal a blow at a him, a guy whom i didn't know of besides his name... that was so not like me at all... With my last ounce of strength, I smash him to the ground before falling back to the ground unconscious again.


( Trying to write in a different viewpoint, you can say that i am experimenting to see what looks or sounds better) " お母さん! いいえ! 移動しないでください! " (Japanese~Mother! NO! Don't Go!)


(Eric) Fluttered his eyes open. -blink- ..... -stare- @ Jorden.


(Jorden) "¿Estás bien? (Spanish~Are you alright?)".


(Eric) Still Stoning. -sudden movement- gloomp*hugs.


(Jorden) Shock*


(Eric) "Can I stay?" Looks up at Jorden earnestly.


Jorden Smiles. (Jorden) "Sure, you can." Eric caresses Jorden's face from his forehead to his jaw line. Running his sleek fingers over the bruises and scars left but the blows then. A sullen look formed on Eric's face.


(Eric) "I'm Sorry, I injure you."Looking in to the eyes of Jorden as he said that in a meek, small voice now. Said in this way... both of them look at each other as if they did never see each other again. Jorden stayed by Eric's side till the latter fell asleep. Jorden then went out of the room quietly.

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