The Alley Man (Part 2)

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" お父さん!"(~Father!) "アムは、次回の父のようになるだろう私は?" (~Am i going to be like father next time?)With pure hearted innocence the little child ask his father with glee. The only child of age 7 of this two couple. A perfect family. One father. One mother. And... a Lovely son. There was not a single problem as the father seems to be rich and able to provide all of comforts, The mother would be very submissive. But that "Happiness" was short lived.


"Madre, no te vayas. Padre, envió a la gente le envió lejos." (~Mother, do not go. Father, sent people to sent you far.) "Child.. Eric, Sea un buen chico. Estudiar mucho. Promesa, mami? (~Be a good boy. Study hard. Promise, Mommy?) Mother said in an reassuring voice. " Te lo prometo. Entonces, mamá,¿vendrás a casa pronto? (~I promise. Then, Mommy, will you come home soon?) I had asked. My mother...her expression changed in an instant, from the comforting look to a sorrowful look and then changed once again upon noticing her 10 year old son clinging on to the cloth of her skirt, She Smiled. " I will." She said in English, what she did learn from overseas over the time that she was with father. "Tengo que ir." (~I have to go.) She says as she waves goodbye, while following a bunch of people who all seems like woman and some kids and some guys up a van, they all carry the same look as Mommy. I took my Mother's word for it.. that she did be back, one day. But, I didn't know when. It was only when. I happen to ask one of men my father sent to take care of me in mommy's place. I asked: "When will she be back?" while looking out of the window with eyes that spell longing. One year has pass from then. But she haven't been back and it even started snowing. It took awhile before the person could answer my question.He opened his mouth to say something...although i thought he would give me the same answer, just like always...." Your mum, She promised. she did be back, Don't worry." But... he didn't he looked at me with a set of sad eyes..and said..: "Your mum. she...will not be back. Not ever." It was then, that regret dawn on me...


Dimly litted the grim looking room is rusty small with small tints of the slight scent of roses filling the musky air. What looks like a wooden wall over the stone concrete was filled with ancient torture tools. I walked closer, to examine what was on the wall... these things intrigue "me" a lot. I wonder why though. "Are you Lost by any Chance?" Said a voice behind me. I Jumped and spun around wide eye. The voice came from a girl who looks younger then me by 7 years and as she stood by the door with a slight hint of mischief with a cute voice she whispered: " Are you Eric?" Damn. Where did this kid come from? I thought as i adjusted myself to an upright position to get a good view of who she is. Standing before me was a girl wearing some sort of cos-play pinkish red tube? with laces and frills, with a Gothic looking mini to match the top. She looks like some model i see on a magazine...what's her name again? " Ali..ce-?" I wondered out loud. "Kya~!!! Am i that famous....?" she exclaimed slapping her hands on to my face. I stepped back as i got taken aback from her actions. "Err....maybe" I answered her. "Well...i don't know how you know... my name but i got to go...already.. can you lead me back to Jorden if you do know him that is..."


When i was young i realise that i couldn't probably manage it all by my own...after mom left... people around me called me the no mother kid or to put in simple terms... a Bastard. Dad was someone people will hold fearful of..cause when mum apparently her went on trip to... somewhere far... she was actually sold off as a object to please other men... as an object for sexual gratification along with a whole bunch of others his men had kidnap from specific continents all as illegal child servants and as human slaves bond to whomever that had bought them with those...Filthy money. The police received a tipped off on that very night mom was sold.. and soon the news spreads wide and far....On that very same night, something in me cracked. And something dark, slowly seemingly seeped out from the seems of the emotional bottle that was holding in it. Memories formulated from young which i ignored seem to start to bubble....


"...(*Breathes Deeply).... uhh...huhgh (*Choking) " Water dripped down my forehead. And sweat slid down my back wetting my clothes. My both hands are tied to my back by ropes. A I struggled to get up, the rope pulling on to the others rope bound on to my neck, my hands, my legs and, the rest of my body, I finally got up. But i got pushed down by the rather large hand. My senpai. There were a few others in the toilet holding buckets of water over my head waiting for that one word from senpai to put their mockingly intent to be unleash into actions. I feel the dirt the smell.. and the coldness of the tiles as i got pressed to the ground by the increasingly menacing strength. Laughter rang in my ears.. "このだけで楽しいではありませんか?" (~Isn't this just fun?) Said Ken. Pulling at my front fringes with increasing force that is strong enough to lift my body hanging from the ground with only my legs on the ground. I snub at him at attempt to fight back. He saw what i did, he angrily throw my body down. And Using his foot he pressed my head down to the now bloodied floor as blood starts trickling from the scalp down my face. His friends Stare in fear... for a moment and then started screaming and running out of the bathroom, leaving us both alone in this now heavily tense atmosphere. I looked up....hoping that his anger has been appease, i was looking for the haggard breathing...and a tense look to formed on his face like he always show when he is satisfied after hitting me but instead....his eyes watery and tears start to flow from it. I was shocked. He then picked me up and started untying the already bloodied ropes hastily.

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