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Derek got out of the airport gate with his bag along with his uncle and the other people leaving the plane. He was on the phone, with his sister.

"Alright, we've landed and after we pick up the car from the lot we'll be back in Beacon Hills. Now, are you sure about staying because I can wait here for you."

Even though Derek couldn't see her, Cora rolled her eyes. "Yes, I'm sure. It's not my home anymore. It's not our home anymore," she quickly corrected. "I don't know why you're so eager to go back."

"I have unfinished business here." Derek then looked down at his bag as he unzipped it to look down at the wooden cylinder inside of it before he zipped it back up. "Just please be careful and call me if anything comes up."

"Don't worry about me Derek. I'll be fine."

"Yeah, but it's not just you anymore, is it?" he said a little stiffly.

There was a small pause and Derek could hear his sister take a deep breath. "We'll be fine Derek. I promise," she said to him more softly. "And please keep quiet about all of this, especially to him. I'm sure he has enough to deal with."

Derek narrowed his eyes. "Talking isn't exactly the first thing on my mind when I see him. I see myself ripping his throat out, with my teeth."

"Derek," Cora said sternly over the phone.

Derek's face softened a bit at that. Cora just sounded exactly like Laura did when she said his name to make him stop. "Fine...I won't tell him. And I'll, try, to not hurt him...too badly."

"I guess that's the best I can hope for from you," she said sighing in defeat.

He shrugged. "Yeah, probably. Well, I gotta go. Bye Cora." He then stopped as he hung up the phone and stared at it.

Peter then stopped beside him. "Are you really not going to say anything? Personally, it doesn't really matter to me if he knows or not. This all is ranked too high on classic cliché teenage drama for my tastes."

Derek gave him an annoyed side look. " least, not yet. Besides, that's not why we're back here."

He then walked off and Peter rolled his eyes before he followed after him through the halls that were decorated for Halloween. They passed a flatscreen mounted in a concession bar that had a news reporter talking before his image was replaced by a pale looking man with short curly hair. A headline underneath his picture read: Committed Convict William Barrow Removed From Institution.


Over at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, an ambulance pulled to the hospital in the middle of a police escort. Agent McCall came running to the entrance to the driver of the ambulance.

"Bring him around back," he ordered the man. "And keep it quiet. No one needs to know except those that are absolutely necessary." The ambulance then moved off to go around for the back and Agent McCall headed back inside.

The front desk was being decorated by Melissa who was putting a lit jack-o-lantern and she looked up when the doors were thrust open as the Sheriff stomped on in, not at all happy. She then saw that he was about to cross with her ex-husband. "Oh, here we go," she muttered.

"Hey," the Sheriff said to McCall. "He is not coming in."

"This is the only hospital that will take him," Agent McCall said to him calmly but unflinchingly.

"What about County?" the Sheriff tried.

"You'd be surprised how fast things fill up when a guy like this needs surgery."

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