fifteen years

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for everybody who hasn't gotten the low down about me restarting this book, i've decided to rewrite what i already had written of this book, mainly because i'm a picky bitch, and i didn't like the way it was going. anyway, i'd highly suggest reading this whole thing again from the beginning, even if you've already read the first couple of chapters when i posted them for the first time a while ago, because i'm gonna be changing quite a bit.

vik's pov

"vikram barn, i hereby sentence you to fifteen years in prison without the possibility of parole for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon." the gavel collided with the sound block, and that was that. fifteen years of my life soon to be spent behind bars accompanied by the literal scum of the earth.

my life was completely fucking over. i'd lost everyone and everything i'd ever worked for in a matter of minutes. my, somewhat, successful career developing games for a pretty, big company. my very own flat in the heart of london, which had spent years and years of saving up to be able to afford. my friends, i mean, sure, maybe they were all shitty people who i secretly hated, but they were still my friends, and we had fun together. sometimes. my boyfriend. my stupid, fucking unfaithful boyfriend, who was now my ex boyfriend, and the main reason everything went to shit.

as i thought about everything i would be losing, i felt empty inside. i felt no real point in living anymore.

i barely noticed when a large, armed guard tightly grabbed my arm and escorted me out of the courtroom. i also barely even noticed passing my mum on the way out. she sat on a bench with my father, gently holding her shaking frame. tears flowed from her swollen, red eyes, as she watched me get hauled off into the room adjacent to the courtroom.

"good luck, kid." the guard muttered as he locked the doors behind me, but i didn't hear him. i was fully numb by then. i felt nothing. i felt no normal emotions that a person who had just been told they're spending the next fifteen years of their life behind bars would feel. i didn't feel sad, i didn't feel remorseful, i didn't feel angry. i felt nothing.

i absentmindedly sat down in the chair that had been placed in front of me, my handcuffed hands folded gently in my lap. my mind was blank. i had no thoughts, no emotions, nothing.

finally, the lock clicked and the doors swung open, revealing a tall, curvy policewoman with long, fiery red hair accompanied by a short, stout policeman with a black, handlebar mustache as the only hair on his head.

"vikram, is it?" the woman asked loudly, as the small man walked over to where i sat. "yer comin' with us, kid." she said in a thick, new york-ish accent. the man carefully grabbed my arm and pulled me up out of the chair.

"so, vikram," she said cheerfully, as she looked me up and down. "me and jerry here, we're gonna be takin' ya to a room now, where they're gonna assign ya to yer very own cell that yer gonna stay in 'til the prison bus comes to pick ya up. alright, sugar?"

i nodded gently, even though i hadn't listened to a word she said. she gave me a sympathetic smile, before motioning to 'jerry' and turning to face the hallway. i felt a tiny tug on my arm and mindlessly began walking beside jerry, towards his, who i assumed, parter in the doorway.

"the name's carrie, by the way. now, darlin', i know what yer thinkin'. 'carrie and jerry? who's bright idea was it to pair those two together?' don't worry, doll, i've been askin' the same thing for the past five years." carrie said, before emitting a loud cackle. i heard jerry chuckle lightly to the left of me as we began to walk down a long corridor.

"jerry's a great guy though. i wouldn't want anyone else to be my parter, to be completely honest with ya." carrie said, as we took a left down another long corridor.

"thanks, carrie." jerry spoke quietly, i glanced up at him to see his entire, plump face turning a deep red, as he watched carrie strutting down the hallway in front of us. i felt myself gently smile, before i looked back down at my feet. the small emotion i had felt quickly drained me, as we made a left into a small room that occupied many more policemen.

"hey carrie, jerry." one of the older-looking cops greeted the pair, "you can just leave the boy here. we'll take it from here on."

"take care, sugar." carrie whispered to me, before carefully squeezing my shoulder. i gave her my best attempt at a smile, before she grabbed jerry's arm and practically dragged him out of the room.

"have a seat, barn." the older cop spoke and motioned towards a chair that leant against the far wall. i slowly made my way over and sat down, my eyes trailing the other four cops in the room.

"the next prison bus arrives in a week, barn, so until then, you'll be staying in a cell here at the temporary jailhouse. we expect you to follow our rules and listen to our guards orders, do you understand?" he asked sternly. if it was any normal day, i would've been absolutely terrified of this man. but, it wasn't a normal day, it was the day i had been told my life was over and i just didn't care anymore. nothing mattered anymore. my life was fucking over, why should i care about an old cop asking me questions in a slightly intimidating tone?

"yeah," i muttered silently, earning a glare from the old douche.

"i said, do you understand me, boy?" he asked again, his tone even sterner.

"yes." i said clearly this time. i, honestly, just wanted to be taken to my cell, so i could sulk in peace.

"take him to his cell, officers." he finally spoke to the other four cops in the room, after he had spent ages just staring at my emotionless face. at his command, the other cops immediately strutted over to me and lifted me up out of the chair. i was soon being walked out of the room and off to the jailhouse, where i would spend my first night behind bars. a first night of many.

wow, so this was way better than my original chapter 1.
(imo obviously. idk though, it could be shit.)

but thanks for reading, and feel free to vote and comment and stuff.

also i ship carrie and jerry too much lmao

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