(chapter 4)

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"I missed talking to you." he said trailing off

"Me too." i said grabbing a slice

Well heres how it went. I had the biggest crush on Harry when i was like 14 an we got close when i was 15 an i would like wish everyday just to have him. An only him. But when i turned 16 i slowly started to loose him. He started spenting more time with his girlfriend Perrie, i was extremly jeleous of her. But really who wouldnt be? He's Harry the guy i wanted, an she was extremly beautiful, they were both perfect. The day Harry turned 18 he started getting tattoos. Everywhere. Until he was covered. But him an Perrie are over now. An i think im over him. But that strong feeling could come back. But really i did miss him. Alot. Like i missed my bestfriend. He was my twin. But he's changed. Alot.





(20 minutes later)




"I'm full." he said laying down

"Same" i said laying down

He had something. Maybe that lake of care about everything. Or maybe the confidence. i dont know. he always seemed to have something other than his amazing looks. Just his personalitly was amazing, his eyes were gorgeous, his body was perfect. Like he was just put together perfectly.

I layed there looking throw my phone arguing with my ex boyfriend. When i recived a textt


From: Justin

Text: Your disgusting, your personality ruins everything. you fat bitch.


"What a fucking prick." Harry said reading the text over my shoulder

"I know." i said trying to fight the tears

"You dated this fucktard?" he asked pissed off


"He didnt deserve you. No one- no man has any right saying that to a girl. thats just fucked up. You deserve so much better kris." Harry said still pissed

"Mhm" i said still trying to fight the tears

"Whats his number?" he ask

"Uhm, 570-881-2601 (fake #)" I said

"He's gunna learn a lesson"

"Harry you dont have too-" he cut me off

"No one says that to any girl!" he said beyond pissed


To: 5708812601

Text: Hey fuckbag. Why dont you fuck off Kris yea? do everyone a favor an get a fucking life. shes moved on. your gunna be alone for awhile. i really hope someone kicks your teeth in you fucking dirtbag.

From: Harry


"Thanks." i said putting my arm around him

"Anything for my little sister" he said smiling










OMFGGGGGGGGGG do u think Kristin an Harry are gunna ya know... Date?!?!?!

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