29: Curtain Fall Or Encore

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Chapter 29: Curtain Fall Or Encore?

            It was a bad idea – a really bad idea – all of it. First there was me storming into the gym and interrupting the basketball team’s practice session, then there was the horrible confession I was sure a handful of people recorded on their cellphones, and then there was the kiss scene which I hadn’t exactly prepared for. Why was it that hindsight was always 20/20?

            Buckerfield sat in front of us with a grim expression on his face. “Camila Jones,” he muttered. “Why is it always you?!”

            “That’s what I want to ask too,” I retorted. “Why is it that you always show up out of nowhere and drag me into the office?”

            “Because it was my basketball team’s practice that you just interrupted young lady, and it was my basketball ace that you were making out with on the court for ten minutes.”

            Marshall broke into laughter on the chair beside mine. I shot him a dark glare, which was not well received since he was laughing so hard tears were forming in his eyes.

            “Ten minutes is an exaggeration!” I shouted. “That did not happen!”

            “C’mon coach, you must have been young at least once,” Marshall chided, slowly recovering from his laughter. “We have to spice things up while we still can.”  

            Buckerfield released a series of unsatisfied grunts. “Are you implying that I’m old?” He grumbled. “Because I’m still young. Still a flower in bloom.”

            “That’s gross that those words came out of your mouth,” I said, looking at his receding hairline.

            “A little harsh Cam-Cam. What? Do you have someone you like coach? A little unrequited love? Shall your sweet man right here help you out?”

            From the expression that paraded all over Buckerfield’s face, it looked like Marshall hit bullseye, and Buckerfield quickly averted his gaze like a scared animal being cornered by a predator. “Mind– Mind your own business!” He cleared his throat and after composing himself, told us to take a hike.

            At first, we weren’t sure if he was being serious. “Are you sure we can just go? After you made such a big ordeal about public displays of affection?”

            “Just get out before I change my mind,” he shouted. His brows furrowed together before he relaxed them abruptly and reached for something inside his drawer. “Oh and before I forget, this came in for you.” He handed Marshall a suspicious, long, brown envelope, which didn’t get much attention from him as he slipped it under his arm and casually thanked his coach. 

            When Marshall and I were finally freed from the office, it was already passed lunch and class had already started. I kept eyeing the envelope he had now transferred to his hand, and was swinging it leisurely around, but he just wasn’t that interested in the envelope’s contents like I was. “Want to just skip?” He asked, showing me a smile. “I have math.”

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