Magnetic- Chapter 1

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A fallen feather swept across my path in a way that seemed as if it were conscious of the direction they were leading. Metaphorically condescending into a destined place that it soon would rest and that chosen spot would be exactly where it needed to be. Whereas, I was so unaware of where my journey in life would lead me. I continued to follow the white tuft of a bird with my eyes as if it could send me some kind of signal to my jumbled mind and soothe me with relief. Knowing all too well that thinking that an inanimate object would tell me of my future was rather idiotic, I released myself from that state of mind and focused on the path in front of me. 

I've always had a habit of over analyzing everything when I was alone but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Embarking on the short but peaceful walk to work through the neighborhood park never failed to conjure up thoughts that were rather deep for a nineteen year old. I worked in a local pet store, Nibbles, where everyone in town would get their soon to be beloved pets. Witnessing the pure joy animals can bring upon people made my job all worth while. Not only did the people put a smile on my face, the animals themselves eluded such an energy of happiness. I was content with my job that I got the summer before I enrolled in community college. Today I had the Saturday afternoon shift, 3-8pm which applied that the store would be at its busiest. 

My stroll to work would take about ten minutes from my barely live-able sized apartment and once I took my shortcut through the park, Nibbles was only two blocks away. I sort of developed a numbness to my surroundings of familiar buildings, stores, and streets. After months of routine, everything was memorized not nearly as appreciated. The air was still a bit chilly as February came and I was really looking forward to spring. I was never fond of the cold and living in California intensified that feeling because it was rarely below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Passing the Dirty Harry's bar was the only scene that caught my attention on the way. I'd always hope I would avoid  any cat-calls or fist fights involving middle aged men. For the most part I would safely stroll by and gladly know Nibbles was just two doors down on the corner of Calicut Road.

"Carmen!" my co-worker Cara screeched as I entered the pet store making me jolt more than the obnoxious bell that chimes when a new costumer walks in

Cara was the most lively person I've ever known which was a blessing or a curse depending on my mood. She was also one of the prettiest girls in this town which I started to believe that the boys in town would visit the shop just to hit on her. We've become pretty close working at Nibbles and we always requested shifts together. 

"Cara!" I mimicked her expression 

"We got a new puppy this morning!" Cara announced with a grin so elaborate you could see all her perfectly straight teeth

When the shop received a new pet it was like Christmas day because I knew we'd be taking care of the little fellow until we found him or her a nice new home. Before even applying to work at this pet store I did my research to make certain that they didn't buy the animals from puppy mills or anything in that matter. Luckily, all the pets in this store were from locals in town or neighboring cities whose pets had unexpected pregnancies and the owners couldn't handle or afford to keep the litter. 

"Really?! Let me see!" Cara's excitement was wearing off on me

Cara grabbed my arm and lead me to the back, where all new animals were bathed and fed before they were to be picked by families. Right before my eyes was the most precious puppy I have ever witnessed in my 8 months working at Nibbles. I recognized that the breed was a Beagle and they were one of my favorites. His little beaded eyes were peering up at me with his little drooping ears swaying back and forth as his tail wiggled his whole tiny body. I also noticed a small dark brown patch right before his nose. It was love at first sight with this puppy and I wish I could own him myself but unfortunately the apartment I was living in did not allow pets. The employees weren't allowed to name the pets either because it would confuse the animals when they live in their permanent home and the owners want a different name for them. And for the employees sake of not becoming attached to the animals. But I knew this puppy would be special to me. 

* * * 

Since Cara was sick, today at work would be quite lonely. It's been four weeks since the Beagle pup has arrived at the shop and I couldn't help myself but give extra love and care to him. Sometimes I would even take him to the back of the store when costumers were intentionally in Nibbles for an actual new addition for the family and not a "just looking" costumer. I knew it was wrong but I was not ready to see this little guy leave. I had to face the fact that he would get a nice owner that would cherish him just as much as I did. I found myself making silly faces at him from behind the cashier and placing my chesnut colored hair across my upper lip to make a mustache. Then I  was distracted by that annoying welcoming chime. 

"Hello, welcome to Nibbles" I shyly said hoping he didn't witness my childish faces moments before

"Thank you" he smirked with a soothing low voice

The costumer looked around my age but I haven't seen him around before. I watched as he was drawn to the beagle. His attire was all black head to toe and he wore a faded ash colored leather jacket. I couldn't get a good look at his face because I was honestly still embarrassed from making a fool of myself. Out of every pet in this shop he had to look at the one I was most admirable of. I stepped away from behind the counter and headed towards the costumer.

"Are you interested in buying a pet today?" I said with my best sounding salesman tone

"I am, I've wanted a dog for a while now and since I am all settled in, I thought now would be a great time to get one" the boy thoughtfully answered

I could now see his eyes and they were a lovely hazel brown and he was much taller now that I was standing near him. His almost caramel colored hair looked a tad gelled in the front but it definitely complimented his face. The scruff that lined his face made him much older than I assumed. 

"This pup here has definitely got charm" he announced pointing to the beagle

"He sure does, let me know if you need anything" I bit my tongue before I could snatch the puppy away from ever being purchased

I casually turned around and went to organize some pet food and toys among the shelves. As time past I had hardly forgotten there was anyone else in the store. 

"Excuse me miss, I think I'll take him"  the brown eyed boy called to me

My heart stopped all together. Today was the day that my precious little friend would have to leave the shop and somehow that was not an option in my head. I took the costumer to the back to do paper work and advice him on what food to buy for the beagle pup and all the necessities and responsibilities that came with a dog. He yearned to listen and even wrote down little  notes of what I informed him on. Everything was all set and in order.

"Just sign your name here and he's all yours" I watched as he signed his name "Liam Payne" 

He had such large hands that I were drawned to as he scribbled his name across the paperwork for the beagle. I handed him the puppy that has entertained me for this past month to his new owner. He thanked me and headed towards the front of the store. What I was about to say was in no doubt pathetic and unproffesional but the words jumbled out of my mouth before I could stop it. 

"Wait Liam...I'm sorry this will sound incredibly stupid but is there anyway I could visit him?" I hesitantly asked

He turned around with an expression that either meant he'd run for the door or hopefully just a little shocked I'd ask such a thing. 

"Umm... sure. I guess I'd need some more help with taking care of him, I'm sure I forgot half the things you told me" He smiled

"I couldn't thank you enough!" I gleamed

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