Kiss me slowly ( Zayn Malik )

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Three years… Three whole years passed , Zayn and Alexandra were still together. Still happy, still content with each other. Who thought this was possible? After all they have been through, the drama and the jealousy…they finally found the common denominator in their relationship and managed to live in peace.

Yeah, they had small fights now and then, which sometimes ended with one of them out for the night. But in the morning, no matter what, he or she was back in their flat, saying sorry and confessing one more time their love for each other. Because no matter what, none of them could gave up on that feeling inside their soul. That feeling they felt only when they were around each other. What feeling? Love. Definitely love.

They were not living in the same flat anymore. Zayn wanted a bigger one. Well actually, he wanted a house but since Alexandra thought a whole house will be too big for them, he gave up on his wish and did as his girlfriend wanted. So he found a big flat, close to the studio he was recording and she was working.

And in that big flat, Luke had enough space for his school stuff, his clothes and his hobbies, drawings. Alexandra could not be happier every time she saw Zayn helping her brother with drawing, teaching him new tricks like the shadow effect, how to create beautiful 3-D effect, or how to see things from another perspective while he was drawing. It showed her even more how much both she and her brother meant to him. And how lucky she was to have him in their lives.

Alexandra, as I just mentioned, was still working at the boys’ studio. She was still writing songs for them and as odd as it sounds, she has never seen that thing as a “job”. It was something she enjoyed to do and the fact that this job allowed her to finally go to University, made her even more excited about it.

What could she ask more? She was surrounded by the people she loved, by the people she cared about and by the people who cared about her. Even though Danielle broke up with Liam, she was still an important person in Alexandra’s life, her best friend. And although her mother was still nowhere to be found, she could care less about her. In the end, why would she?So, she called her mother that she gave up on her and , so she did the same. Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry and Eleanor were still there, still unchanged. Zayn and Luke were there too. Alexandra had everything she needed.

Same with  Zayn. After Lea disappeared, it seemed like everything in his life found its place. He did not fear about people tearing his relationship with Alexandra apart. He did not have to fear that someone will hurt her again. With Alice still in prison and Peter dead, he could finally have everything of his girlfriend.

But here’s one thing he did not understand about her. Sometimes, Alexandra went to visit Peter’s grave. Like… why would she? That guy hurt her, he almost killed her. Why would she still go and visit that place? But in the end, Zayn realized how amazing she is. How big and warm her heart is. Even though that guy was a total shit with her, she still had the heart to forgive him and visit his grave. And he also realized he had no reasons to worry about that, or funny, to be jealous about. Because Alexandra was his and only his. He did not have to fight, no one for her love. He already won her.

As probably a lot of people around them wondered, Zayn was not bothered about Luke’s presence, who was now 10 year old. With no joking, Zayn really loved him. He took both Luke and Alexandra on tour with him, showing them all the amazing places they just dreamed about. Zayn wanted to spoil them as much as he could, even though Alexandra sometimes refused all the things he offered to buy. She was not with him because of all these things, was she?

But of course Zayn did not even want to hear about it, so Alexandra always ended sighing, shaking her head. Zayn always got what he wanted. But now, he wanted more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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