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Greg wakes up with a headache from yesterday and remembers about Lainey. He remembers that she takes her emotions too seriously and her emotions turn into anger which she takes out on herself. He immediately calls 911 forgetting all about little Calvin.

"Hello this is 911 what emergency service would you like?"
"I'd like the police and the paramedics to check up on my partner. she's 'slightly'  insane."
"What is her address sir?"
Greg told the police the address of laineys friends house where she was staying that weekend. The police rushed over to the house and found her dead body and saw her distressed struggle to live. Greg was informed whilst watching a romcom with his baby leaf and he suddenly dropped the phone and ran into the bathroom to spill all his internal organs out onto the floor. Calvin shouted longingly after Greg as he was gone for a good ten minutes. Calvin then wondered up the stairs to see his beloved pinecone laid dead on the floor with blood trickling down his smooth chin and all over the bathroom floor. Calvin wandered over to the toilet and looked inside to find all of Gregs stomach lining, his intestines and hid bladder inside after being choked out. "NOOOOO!!" Calvin screamed and picked up Gregs dead body and hugged it with all his might squishing all the internal organs he had left and crushing his ribs in the process. Calvin then blamed himself for the death of his beloved. He ran downstairs to see headlights of a police car pulled up outside gregs house. The police ran in and searched all rooms leaving Calvin in hysterics. The chief officer saw Gregs dead body laying in the middle of the bathroom floor. It was clear that straight after laineys death Greg had died and there only one person in the middle of both of the arguments. That person. Was...
Calvin Lee Vail

OOOH!!! So much drama! Sorry I haven't updated loads I've been very busy and I will continue to add chapters hopefully once a week so... yeah thanks!! ALSO THANKS TO Punapple_Pizza for helping make this epic plot twist XDDD

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