Chap One

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Shaly point of view

I walked behind a building. My head is throbbing. Tears threatened to fall. Why? Why him and not me? Why did the person I loved betrayed me? My brother got captured because of me.


I looked at Kris as I saw him leave. I love him so much! I never felt a sensation. "He's dangerous. I can sense it." my brother, Drake stated again. "You're losing your head. Kris wouldn't do a thing to harm both you and me!" you replied with certainty. "Has he kissed you?" he asked. "No!" I replied. "Well he shouldn't. It is your first kiss after all." I rolled my eyes.
One hour later.

Darker and I ran. Tears fell. I tripped. Drake helped me up but was zapped by a blue bolt. "Go!" he whisper. I shook my head. Trying to help him up. "Go!" he said louder. I scrambled up. And ran. I turned to peek. Kris was with Loki. Loki. The one I heard on the radio. He fought the newest hero's of New York. I ain't quite a fan of theirs but I need help. I was in Sayre, Pennsylvania. Near New York.
End of flashback

I ran. Where is-? Something tripped be or bumped into me. I fell. My head throbbed harder. I didn't notice a guy was on top of me. I try to get up. "Bastard get off her. You're going to kill her. Especially now since she is crying!" a female yelled. I looked up. I didn't notice I was crying. The guy had brown sandy hair, brown eyes. He looked cute.... No stop. The last time you fell hard he ended up betraying you. I thought. He got up and helped me up. "Sorry. I was.. um.. Running from her." he pointed to a red head. She punched him in the arm. Then looked at me. "Are you okay?" she asked. "No-I mean yes.. No. I'm looking for the Avengers." I replied. "Why?" she asked. "It doesn't concern you!" I replied. She glared at me. And I glared back. "Too bad. I was going to show you." she sneered. "Sure you were!" I said sarcastically. She then growled. I snickered. And walked away. I heard, "Leave her be! She might be a fan trying to get an autograph." It was the guy. I kept walking. I turned the corner. More tears fell. "Ma'am are you okay?" someone asked. I look up. He had blue eyes and is a blonde. I was going to reply that I was okay but I can't take it no more. "No." I choked. "Help me find the Avengers. They can help me-" I felt weak and fell. Some strong arms caught me though.

What seemed like hours.

I look. It was Drake. "Drake." I whisper. He didn't hear me. He looked bruised. My eyes teared up. "Drake." I say louder. No response. "Drake! Please open your eyes!" I yelled. His eyes opened and his head were looking around for me. "Bad Things!" he said. I'm confused. "Bad Things... What is that good." I said. He looked around. "Drake!" I yelled as he was disappearing.

"Get snap out of it." said a male voice. I woke up crying. Someone hugged me. "Hey. It was just a dream." a female voice said. It sounded like Wandie. "Wandie." I whispered. She stiffen. She pulled back. "Shaly." she stated with wide eyes. "What are you doing here? Where's Drake?" My eyes teared up. Something fast and blue came up. "Pietrie." I said. A little happy. His blue eyes looked at me. He came and hugged me. "Where's Drake?" he asked. I looked away. Someone cleared their throat. Wanda, Pietro and I look up. It was that blonde guy that I last talked to before falling into darkness. "You all know each other?" he asked. I nodded. "And who's Drake?" another male said. I look up. It was the guy that fell on me. I growl. "Her brother!" Pietro replies scared that I'll start a fight. "What happen? If your here without him it-" Wanda's eyes widen. "Who did it?" growled Pietro. I didn't answer. I sobbed. People came in. A woman, and three guys. The lady is that red haired. The other guys I didn't know. "Natasha!" the red haired said. "Thor!" a loud male voice said. "Bruce!" the small one said. "Clint." the guy who fell on me said. I growled. "Steve." the blonde said. "Tony." a flirty voice said. He looked ugly. "Well, aren't you two going to introduce yourself?" asked Bruce. "Wanda and Pietro! I know them so they don't need to introduce themselves." I stated kindly.  He smiles at me. One that looked sincere. The red head Natasha growl. She looked jealous. I rolled my eyes. And tried to get up. I felt pain in my head. But I sat up. "You have to help me. Wanda. Kris and Luki has him." I stated. "That kid. I knew you weren't supposed to date him. And who is Luki." asked Pietro. "Loki!" I yelled. Thor grimaced. "He escaped." he murmur. "Shaly, why woody Kris do such thing? I mean- you two were a thing right?" Wanda Asked. "I don't know! Drake warned me... But I'd never listen. I just ignored it." I replied. "Of course you don't. You never do. You are just as stubborn as Wanda!" yelled Pietro. Tears welled up in my eyes. "Ignore him. You know Drake and Pietro exaggerates too much. Now tell me what happened." Wanda exclaimed. I didn't say a word. One is I'm to nervous around these people except the Maximoff. Two because I'll start to cry. "Can I just tell you and not them and not Pietro.?" of asked softly for her to hear. She looks up, "um... She's kinda shy! She won't talk in front of you guys but me." Clint snorts, "Shy? Yeah right! She spoke  back to Natasha. How is that shy?" Wanda flared at him. "One she has to be like that. If she's not with any of us Pietro, Drake or me she won't survive. Two she tries to con-" Wanda started. "Wanda!" I yelled. She looked at me. I shook my head slightly. Her eyes widen. Pietro looked disappointed. "She tries to What?" asked Natasha. "Wandie, I want to leave! This isn't the Avengers!" I whined. "Not a Aveng- Girl,  we are the Avengers." stated Tony. "Wanda, I don't think you should keep any info out. Especially No since you are part of the Avengers! Scarlett Witch!" Sneered Natasha. My eyes widen. "W-wanda. You aren't part of them. Are you?" my voice cracked. She nodded as she closed my eyes. I got of the bed and headed towards a wall near the windows. "Pietro. You knew." I said. He looked away. "Y-You too!" I looked at them in panic. The people around the room looked confused. "You guys knew! And you still got in." I stated. "Shaly please calm down." soothed Wanda. I shook my head. "S-So now try to kill me. I am just confused why you ain't dead! Yet." I exclaimed. "What are you talking about?" Said Tony. "Miss Shaly... Our job is to protect people not harm or kill them." Stated Thor. "Why would we kill Wanda?" asked Tony. I panic more. "Calm down. Please! Don't do something you'll regret." begged Pietro. "No! I told you I hate all these organizations. Hydra... Casin (Made up name! Sorry)... And   S. H. I. E. L. D.!" I yelled. Panicking even more. Wanda strops towards me. I backed away. I looked at the window. The glass is breakable. "Don't. You. Dare." stated Pietro. My hands went up and blue waves appears. I control it to control or move stuff. (pic to top.)p

It grabbed the bed and was thrown to the group. I ran to the window. I jump out. I was half way down from a big building. Bit something caught me. It had red and silver wings. I screamed, "Let go of me!" I struggle to get out. It put me down on a random room. I kicked its wings. I look to see what it was. A guy. I backed away. "Hey! Chill." he said. I kicked him in the stomach. He crouch. "Nice kick. I'm Sam. Aka Falcon." he introduced. "An Avenger." I murmur. "Your name is An Avenger?" he asked confuse. I rolled my eyes. I kicked him in the face. I heard footsteps. Then the door open. Wanda glared at me. Then blue Flash came form behind her and went behind me. Pietro grabbed my waist. I kicked him. He grunts and falls in his knees. Steve comes towards me. I run to him and kicked him right in the face. Then I do a twirl and pushed him to Bruce. Natasha comes to me. She throws a punch. I dodged and dodge her kick. I went down as I slide my leg Past her legs. She falls. And I kicked her to Steve and Bruce. Let's see. Tony, Wanda and Clint are left. Tony comes to me. "Look,  I don't fight gals." he started. And I finished it by kicking him towards Natasha, Steve and Bruce. Clint jumps towards me but I fell to the ground and he ends up falling on Pietro. I got up. My heads went up. Blue waves comes out. My right hand goes left then right. My left hand goes up, right, down then up again. Wanda was floating. She fell atop of Natasha who was getting up. Something pushed me to the ground. I growled. I took a peek. Clint. I kicked my feet back and him him in the leg. My elbow went back hard it hit his nose. He groans. I flip so I was above him. I got myself up and ran to the broken window. I jumped out. I landed on another building that was next the building Wanda was on. I run. Away from them..








I'll find my brother one way or another.

Hey. This is my first Avengers book and first book I wrote. Hope you like it. Plz comment and vote. Also follow. I just joined a few days ago. Toodles! 😘❤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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