fun with friends

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First day of school. What could be worse? End of summer = end of fun. End of my happy cheerful attitude. Like I ever had one. I've been having a great summer. My girlfriend Julia and I had finally got it on. Sounds like any dream summer for a teenage guy. Now, I'm not the kind of guy who's like wassup dude and all that bullshit. I'm a normal kinda guy and not a thug wanna be. I was in love with this girl she was my heart and I was her armor. I loved her but times change. I had planned to break up with her the day this all started.  We had just got to our third-period class when I heard an eery hiss. I looked around no one else seemed to hear it. I looked out the window and, from what I've seen in fables, it was a dragon! A big red dragon with three pure black eyes. He had so many scars on his face. I say he like I could actually tell. Pretty soon I was yelled at by the teacher to start paying attention. I told her to look out the window. She looked out the window and said that there was nothing there I look back and the dragon was still there and I started getting pissed. I was not happy with the teacher calling me a liar in front of the whole class. I was full out pissed. on a scale of 1-10, I was a 1,000,000,000. I started cussing her out and I bet you know how that ended up. I was now in the principles office, and we weren't having fun I'll tell you that. We had a very nice talk. I ended up at the therapist witch was never fun. All you do is talk about what happened and what you think it actually was. But my therapist looks like a pedophile witch kinda creeps me out; every time he had an open session after mine it would be fun. We would talk about our dream cars. We usually had fun in this part of the session. We finally decided that it was just a delusional state of mind that had happened because of my anxiety of the first day of school. We decided it had just come at a bad time but I knew that's not what actually happened. I could tell by the way he sounded he was surprised to hear me say any of this. That night he invited me to stay in the hotel he owned which my mom evidently said no which I laughed at that because I knew what was going threw her head I laughed for a good five minutes. When I stopped laughing my mom was still smiling. She pulled me out into the hall and asked me if I wanted to stay with him for the night I said I'd be fine. When we finally got to the hotel, I ran around and acted crazy. But after a while, I started realizing something there were a lot more kids then there were parents. To me this was weird.  I had never been left at a hotel without my mom or my dad but I knew this wasn't one of those situations. At about 9:00 everything settled down. No more kids running the halls or kids in the pool. Just me and my thoughts. At first, it was very relaxing finally had time to think since that whole "delusional" thing. At first, I was talking to myself, then I realized someone was answering. I didn't know who because no one else was in the room but someone was answering and I was sure of that. I asked whoever it was what was happening they answered

 "one question! You get one question is this what you use it as".  I think for a moment then answers "no". But I know with time I'll know the answer to most of my questions. 

"Who are you," I ask. Without skipping a beat the voice says "

" I go by many names, A spiritual guardian, a soul, a...Well, you get the point". 

"why could I never hear you before" 

"oh no I said 1 question, Aiden".  Suddenly he realized he was talking out loud and his therapist, Jack, Who had been standing there for god knows how long had heard him. He automatically knows what was happening and he seemed giddy about it. He tried to explain it to me but it was no use because I was as scared as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs by the time he got done. The last sentence was by the time most of you turn 21 you'll either be dead or a drunk. Theres one thing I knew for sure my mom would kill me for. So as I drifted to sleep that night I realized a few things such as 1. There were others like me 2. I had not imagined the dragon somehow it all fits together 3. My therapist is telling the truth or he needs a therapist.But none of that matters when your planning. It felt like I slept for at least 12 hours. But when I checked the time it had only been a few minutes. This is normal for children with both ADD and ADHD. Most of us have sleeping problems. But when I woke up I heard something I didn't know from where it was coming from until I looked at the pool and I realized people were in it, But not kids oh no, this was something much much worse it's the scariest thing I ever saw it was my therapist skinny dipping with what looked like an american 18 year old.

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