Chapter 1

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"Come here baby, you don't know what you're missing." He says

His words disgust me. I'm not a toy to be played with, I will definitely not be treated like one. Anger courses through me, my adrenalin kicks in. I walk up to him, leaving five feet between us. His eyes are victorious, I reach my arm out and smack him across his face leaving a bright red hand mark on his stubbly cheek. He looks at me, eyes aghast, but quickly turned to anger.

He grabs my wrists and pushes me against the wall.

"Let go of me! Luke i swear if you don't get off of me right now, I'll.."

I know how childish i sound, but there really isn't much I can do when his grip on me is so tight.

Out of nowhere he steps back from me and his eyes soften

"Babe, give me another chance.. I'll do anything. I love you.. More then I have loved anyone in my life. I'd rather die then lose you, I'm sorry. That girl you saw me with, she means nothing to me, I was just drunk. I didn't know what I was even doing!"

His voice is full of sorrow, and he starts tearing up. I hate to see him like this, so vulnerable. I know he would chose me over any other girl, but I don't think I can forgive him after what I saw last night.


"Luke, I think we should go. It's getting late"

"Come on Belle, the party just started" he said slurring "and if it gets too late you can just crash the night at my dorm"

"Okay fine. But I'm gonna go hang with Claire for a little."

I'm honestly not the party kind of girl. I would rather be in my dorm, wearing baggy pajamas, stuffing my face with popcorn, and sobbing when jack dies at the end of titanic, then be here. But of course, when my boyfriend and best friend both want to do something, there is no way of getting talked out of it.

Before finding Claire, i decide on going to the bathroom first. I bump into a few dancing couples, earning pestered glares. While walking into the room, i examine the place. The walls are beige with a drywall texture, and the floor is white, with a few stains here and there. For being at this party for so long, I expected my makeup to look awful, but I have to say it still looks okay. I'm just going to re-apply some mascara, and use a tinted pink lipgloss. I open my dark black mascara and apply a light coat on my lashes.

When i start to paint my bottom lip with the gloss, i suddenly have the urge to pee. I groan and rush to the first stall, and that's when my heart shattered. A girl with blonde hair with pink streaks and pasty white skin was straddling on top of Luke, nibbling his ear. His hands were on her waist, keeping her close.

Eventually Luke noticed i was standing there in front of them. He pushes the girl off of him and runs up to me to stroke my face, but i push his hand away. How could he do this to me? Who is she? How long has this been going on?

A million questions run through my head, but I can barely make a sound. Hot tears threaten my eyes, and i blink causing them to spill all over my cheeks. I have to get out of here, I can't look like this. Running out of the bathroom, i hear Luke's footsteps close behind.

"Belle, I can explain!" He says

"What, tell me what you have to explain, that I'm not good enough for you? That I am boring you in our relationship? Well, i guess not a relationship anymore."

And he just stands there, his mouth forming an 'O' shape, at loss of words.

"Close your mouth, you might catch a fly," i tell him, and walk quickly to find Claire.

I spot her, grinding against a random guy. When she sees my swollen lips and face, she knows I've been crying.

"Whats wrong? Are you okay?" She says in a sympathetic voice

"Its Luke.. Can i stay at your house tonight?" I say

"yeah, let's go. You can tell me about it when we get there, okay?"


----end of flashback---------


hey guys thank you for reading so far, I hope you like it! If you do like it; comment, vote, tell you friends about it! It would mean so much!

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