Chapter 7: Confessions

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I guess it all started when my parents told Shane and I that our family was falling apart. Our parents fought almost everyday, due to the lack of communications and possibly the lack of sex. But I was only seven, so I didn't know about their sexual frustrations.

We were all riding to grandmas and grandpas that evening. Shane and I took the back seats and my dad drove with mom on the passenger side. It was a beautiful day, there were no clouds in the sky.

"Can y'all please stop fighting!" I turned my head away from the window to see my brother shouting at our parents, although I was seven, I still understood that they fought a lot.

Mom ran her hand through her hair and shook her head, "This family is dysfunctional because of you!" My mom yelled at my dad and the color in her face turned red. Shane leaned up, "Mom, dad please stop ok? We're going to have a good day today without all the fighting." I could see my dads reflection in the rearview and he was shaking his head, "Your mother needs to get out of my business, if it was her business then she'll know!"

My mom glared at my dad, "You're a pathetic excuse for a father! All you do is come home from work and lay around! You don't do any of the house work! I'm the one who has to do it all!"

Dad hit the steering wheel and pulled off the side of the road and turned towards us, "I am sorry, but I cannot do this anymore." He turned towards mom, "I want a divorce."

My mom stared at him without saying anything for a while. Shane spoke up, "Good! Because Aubrey and I are done with all this! Take us to grandmas and grandpas and leave us there!"

Both our parents turned and looked at us. Shane pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around me, "We are done listening to you fight all the time! This family isn't falling apart, it already fell apart."

Neither one spoke the rest of the way to grandmas. It was an awkward situation. Grandma and grandpa found out what happened by Shane explaining everything because mom nor dad was going to explain. That was the day grandma and grandpa both agreed to have Shane and I move in. Mom and dad separated not long after that and never once came by to see us.

My life turned to hell after that. I came out gay when I turned thirteen and everyone gave me the hardest time. Shane and my grandparents were the only supportive ones. My mom nor dad knew because well, I didn't communicate with them. I made a few friends once I got into elementary school, especially this one guy, Harvey.

He was the sweetest guy I've ever met. He understood my problems with being a lesbian and how I dealt with my parents divorce. He was there for me when no one else was.

I was just entering high school, it was the summer before I started and I was excited. I had Harvey with me through it all. He told me that there was a back to school party and he wanted me to come, so I agreed.

The house we went to was huge, two stories high and it was beautiful. As soon as I stepped in, I was attacked by the odor of alcohol and weed.

Typically party.

Harvey held my hand and guided me through the crowds of drunks and couples dry-humping.

We made it to the kitchen and there were alcohol on every counter. Harvey slid away for a second and handed me a cup. I looked down in it then at him, "I don't drink." He smirked then pushed the cup up towards my lips, "You need to let loose for once. Just try it."

I looked down at the drink and hesitantly took a sip. The liquid burned my throat but Harvey just pushed it back more. I finished it and looked at him, "That wasn't bad."

He smiled, "I told you."

After a while everything started getting weird.

I felt dizzy and I was certain that I stumbled a few times. Harvey laughed and helped me up when I fell. We danced and drank some more and I started feeling worse. I told Harvey and he shrugged it off, "That's what it does when you drink for the first time." I nodded and ignored it.

Forgive me, Miss Collins (TeacherxStudent) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now