Chapter 2

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Scarlet POV

Ugh I hate new schools. Whyd grand-mére insist that I come here? If I find one friend at all I'll be way lucky. I look away from my locker and noticed a guy with mesmerizing green eyes staring at me. It's kinda creepy at first but then I notice how lost and scared he looks. I walk over to him and ask, "are you alright?" He replied, thankfully.

"Um...sorta...not really though. I forgot the combo to my locker. And I noticed how easily you got yours opened."

"Here." I hot a certain spot on his locker and it opened right up. "Anything else before I go to class?"

"Well. I was wondering where biology class was?" He asked sorta hesitant. But lucky for him I had that class too.

"Oh. I actually have that class. Maybe you could tag along with me?"

"Um...sure." He looked at me strangely then quickly looked away like he was afraid of me. But who wasn't? We walked with each other to biology and I swear I felt him touch my hand like he was trying to hold it or something. We get to biology only to find two seats left open next to each other.

"Looks like we'll be siting by each other." He said unsure of himself.

I chuckled a bit more on the awkward side and said, "yeah. Would ya look at that." I sat down and he quickly sat down next to me. He flashed me a smile then turned his attention towards the teacher. His legs were bouncing outa control and I had no choice but to place my hand on his knee to stop the bouncing. I whispered, "could you maybe not do that? It's a bit annoying."

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't know I could be. I'll stop." He turned red and I felt so bad for being so harsh to him. He probably didn't have much and I most likely reminded him of that.

"Hey. I'm sorry for being harsh about that. I didnt mean to."

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing. I'm fine." He kept his attention towards the teacher and ignored me the rest of class. I felt so bad about being that way towards him. He seems like a great guy. Then he spoke before I left, "I'm Wolf by the way."

"I'm Scarlet. Yeah like my hair."

"Oh. So what class do you have next?"

"English class. You?"

"Aw. I got math. Well maybe I'll see you at lunch?"

"Yeah. Maybe. Bye Wolf." I said and left for English class.

In English class

Why do we even need to learn this? Like we all can't talk. Ugh whatever. I thought to myself as the teacher wrote a sentence on the board.

"Okay class. Identify each of parts of this sentence. When you finish you may write two sentences and identify those as well. When you finish that put it in the bin on my desk." Spoe the teacher. Ugh look at what this class is doing to me!

I can't wait to get out of here. I'm actually wanting to see that Wolf guy again.

"Scarlet Benoit?" The teacher asked. But I didn't notice. I was lost in thought. "Scarlet Benoit?" She asked again. This time I heard.

"Um. Yes?" I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me. Sadly everyone was.

"Will you pay attention next time? Please?"

"Sorry. Yes of course I will." Stars this class needs to be over already.

In the hall

I was heading to my locker when a girl ran into me. "Stars above! Watch where you're going next time." Man I sound harsh. I can at least help her. "Here lemme at least help you. Sorry for the tude. I'm new here...whats your name?"


"Scarlet..." I said helping her up.

"Sorry for bumping into you...I got in over my thoughts...and I'm also new here..."

" time look out alright? See ya around I guess..." I then left to the lunch room hoping Wolf would be there. I looked and looked and didn't find him. Where could he be? I thought over and over again. I then noticed him walking towards me. I walked to him uncontrollably. "Hey. I was looking for you. Everywhere."

"Sorry. I had to stay extra long today. I had to talk with the teacher."

"Oh. You being a bad boy?" I chuckled and thought I sounded like a retard. Nevermind that. "No its fine. Wanna sit with me?" I sat down on the bench and patted it for him to sit down. He sat down and pulled his lunch out of his bag.

"I'd love to." He said, smiling. He sat just a bit close to me but I stayed just because I didn't wanna make him feel bad. We talked and laughed the whole lunch time. We had the next class together and sat by each other. I guess you could say we had a connection...cause I sure felt it. The end of the school wasn't fun because we parted ways and left to our houses. I'll see him tomorrow. I kept thinking to myself.

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