Chapter One: I'm Sorry?

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So I tried doing this once but I wasn't writing enough for the chapters and after reading other peoples books I was like 'wow I seriously need to re-write.'

So I did and here it is I really hope you like it.


Aurora's- P.O.V.

I estimated that I had exactly five minutes to live before the hurricane that was my mother murdered me.

Too long in the bathroom? No, I was out in like 5 minutes. Too much make-up? Well that can't be it, since I don't actually wear any in the first place. Ugh, what did I do?!

"Aurora?!" Mom yelled.

Uh-Oh, she was getting louder which also meant she was probably getting nearer to my bedroom. With a sudden jolt of courage I threw my bedroom door open and met a frustrated mom on the landing.

"So what's up mom?" I asked, hoping I sounded casual.

"Nothing sweetie. However your grandmother is waiting in the kitchen for you." I had to admit that she had a good poker face but her eyes gave away everything, and she was not happy at all.

You see the thing was a few months ago I'd been in my mom's office studying, when my pencil had broke. I was looking for a sharpener in one of her draws when I'd come across a hidden compartment at the bottom of the one draw. Now of course me being extremely nosy I wanted to know what was in there. When I'd lifted the opening I'd gotten a massive shock. There were a bunch of letters and cards secured by an elastic band. However what was weirder was the fact that they were all addressed to me. I'd taken the first one out, it was a card for my tenth birthday. When I opened it up something flew to the ground, a ten pound note. I didn't bother with that though it was the name at the bottom that had my attention.

'Much love, Grandma Rose.'

"Aurora Rose!" Mom all but screamed at me.

"Sorry mom, guess I kinda spaced out for a minute." The reason my mom wasn't exactly happy about my grandma being in the kitchen is because they had a massive falling out before I was born. To this day I still don't know why they fell out, whenever I've tried to bring it up with mom she changes the subject. Oh and I didn't actually tell mom I found my grandmother's letters, I just jotted down her address and started sending out my own replies. Yes at first I was mad with my mom and I wanted to confront her, but after writing to my grandmother she sent me a letter convincing me not to say anything. She said mom had every right to hate her but yet even grandma wouldn't tell me about the argument.

"Okay mom listen I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you I've been in touch with my grandma. But can you blame me! Every single time I tried to bring her up you'd look at me as if I'd gone mad and then change the subject. Yes I know you had this massive argument before I was born but don't you think I should be able to choose whether I get to know who my grandmother is!? You didn't even ask me I wasn't even included in this decision, even though it concerned me!"

I had to stop there to catch my breath. I wasn't done though there was so much I still had to say. But I didn't want to say anything that I might regret so I chose instead to head towards the stairs. When I looked back Mom was still standing there her posture had changed though her shoulders were hunched over. She looked defeated.

Great, cue the guilt.. now. Push it too the back of your mind Aurora, your grandmother's here.

As I reached the bottom of the staircase I began to smell all different types of plants and flowers. The main scent was vanilla, it reminded me of when me and mom used to bake in the kitchen when I was younger.

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