Chapter 1

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So today's the first day of my prison sentence. Why am I in prison? Well I killed someone. I know what you're thinking. "You deserve to be in jail you murderer." Before you completely judge me, just know that I didn't kill a human. You probably don't believe me, but it was a kitsune. Incase your simple brain doesn't know what a kitsune is, a kitsune is a monster that uses long claws from their hands to get their food, a brain. If the kitsune doesn't eat a brain within 24 hours, its body shuts down and it dies. The only way someone like me can kill a kitsune is stabbing it in the heart. But the kitsune I was hunting, had to be a college kid... with a roommate. But of course, I had no idea she had a roommate and she came in and called the cops just as I stabbed her. But I guess it's a good thing I'm here. The reason being, there have been numerous counts of murders here that seems to have been caused by a crocotta, or as I call a soul sucker. Now all I need to do is find this crocotta, make a shank or something sharp and stab it. But until then, this is (Y/N) signing off.

"You done writin in that journal of yours yet? I'm tired and that light of yours isn't lettin me sleep."

Oh yea... meet my cell mate, Sam AKA Moose. He says he was arrested trying to steal something from an antique store. Some type of amulet or something, I wasn't paying attention.

"Oh, shut up, Moose! At least I don't talk in my sleep. Who is this Dean person anyways?" I laughed. I skimmed through his journal earlier and the beginning talked a lot about "Jess" and "Dean". I wonder who they are...

"He's my brother... he's on a hunting trip... for bears." Moose stuttered, like he was trying to figure out what to say instead of the truth. Just as I was about to say something, a shrill scream could be heard from down the hall.

'Not now. Of all times why did it have to be now?' I rolled my eyes. I need to get out of here. Good thing I'm wearing my trusty wire bra. "Turn around, Moose!"

"Why?" He alarmingly asked.

"Because I said so!" I whisper yelled starting to unhook my bra. Once I had it unhooked, I took it off and started removing the wire. I turned around to see Moose looking at me like I was the weirdest thing on earth. "Trust me, I'm not that weird." I shrugged starting to pick the door lock. I heard a click and the door slid open. "You stay here! I can't take any chances of someone else dying tonight." I whispered grabbing the shank I made earlier.

"I can handle myself. I should be the one telling you to stay here. You aren't like me. I've grown to like you just from a few hours of hanging out with you." He said with a puppy dog face that he apparently thought would make me stay in our cell.

"Sure, I'll stay. But take this," I handed him a shank, "it might come in handy."

"Thanks," he said with a smirk as he started slinking out of our cell. Little did he know, I made another shank and was going to follow him. Moose saw the body and checked for a pulse, while the crocotta, that I just noticed, in the background tiptoed towards him. Before it reached Moose, I took a stance, leaped, and stabbed that soul sucker.

"(Y/N). We need to talk." Moose looked half surprised half stern. I couldn't figure out if he was mad or happy that I saved his soul and life. We I watched his face as we walked back to our cell in silence. Once we got back to our cell he shut the door after himself and whispered, "Why didn't you tell me, (Y/N)? We could've worked together."

"Told you what, Moose? How could we have worked together? I'm just here to serve my punishment for murdering that college girl." I replied, perplexed. He couldn't be a hunter, and I sure as hell wouldn't tell him I was one. My mother was a hunter before me. She taught me to never tell anyone I was a hunter and that my soul purpose to being alive was to protect the helpless from anything and everything evil. My father killed her on my ninth birthday because he was possessed by a demon. Right before she died, she told me where a safety bag was and to run to a John Winchester. I found him and he continued my training where my mother left off. When I was ready to be a complete hunter, he told me he needed to find his wife's killer. That next morning, I awoke to see a note and 5,000 dollars in cash on the bedside table. The note read, "Dear (Y/N), I left some weapons in the closet. Mostly knives because you were more skilled with those than guns. Use your money wisely and find my sons. Stay with them. Don't tell them you have contact with me, as I have put my number under these words. I will always answer that number unless I am dead. Please name my contact in your phone as 'Mr. Pain' and if need be, I will pose as your brother in text message. The location of my oldest son is to the left of my number, my youngest is on the left. I suggest you find the youngest first. Stay safe, (Y/N). Good Luck on your hunting, John."

"(Y/N), did you hear a word I just said?" Sam questioned snapping his fingers in my face.

"Sorry, no," I replied, "can you repeat what you said please?"

"What happened back there? I told you to stay here. Why didn't you stay here?" Moose just won't understand. But I have to tell him.

"I followed you to keep you safe, Sam. That crocotta almost killed you. If I wasn't there, it would've taken your soul. With the way my job is, I couldn't let that happen. A hunter must protect everyone they can from harm. You may not believe any of this, but it's the truth." I wanted him to know that it was the truth and that I wasn't insane.

"I knew it... who trained you? Tell me everything." He said while sitting down on his cot and patting it, signaling me to sit down.

"I won't tell you anything unless you can prove you're a hunter. My mentor taught me to never tell anyone everything." I sat down slowly, starting to try and read his emotions like my mother taught me. She had the ability to read everyone... except for Dad...

"Fine," he sighed, standing up and started to remove his shirt, "now do you believe me?"

On his left collarbone, lay an anti-demon tattoo. One that was used to initiate someone to the hunter level. "What's your last name?" 'I swear, if he says Winches-'

"Winchester. Why do you ask?" he replied, putting on his shirt and sitting back down on the cot next to me.

A Moose Needs To Hunt (Sam Winchester x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now