Run Away Love (A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)

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Im on the run,on the run from my family and friends,on the ran from the cops,i,Sam Jones is on the ran for my life.

I come from a bad home,my mother doesnt care about me,in fact she lost all rights for me to call her mum,she drinks all the time and beats me,in fact im a slave to her,i rember then i was little,around 5 or 4,shed call me her baby girl,but that all change then i was 9 and my dad walked out on us,she would go out and drink then come back pissed out of her mind and beats me,some times she doesnt tho,depens with she brings a bloke home with her,then im safe.

Lucky she still lets me go school,but thats no better,i get bullied there,cause of what i wear,its not my fult that the only cloths i have is two pair of black skinnys wich have holes in the knees,two back bands tee,a black jacket,and a pair of old baseball boots,but i still go to school mostly cause i get lunch and sometimes thats all i get for the day,like once i was ill and coudnt go school,and as i was ill i coudnt clean the house so mother didnt feed me for a week.

She doesnt let me shower or bath so i have  to use the hosepipe to clean my self,and the reson i can get shampoo and soap is i had a job,at the petting zoo,i got a lot of money from that but i saved it all,i got about £990,i never spent it,unless i had too,but when my mum found my petting zoo cloths,i told i was helping but not getting payed,she didnt like that ider,she made me go and quit the job,i sad to leave,but i did what i had to do.

This has been my life for 7 years,now im 16 i can leave,and thats what my going to,im going to leave this pleace,leave my home in angle falls (A/N i made it up,its in the USA tho) and go somewhere new like london,this is it my going to go,im going on the run.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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