Chapter 1.

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Heavy footsteps followed mine as I walked down a bloody dark hallway, I turned around gasping softly seeing nobody. The thought of seeing nothing made my blood run cold and my palms shake in fear, my breathing began to intensify from this. Glowing red eyes showed in the darkness causing me to stumble along things scattered on the floor as I walked backwards from the beast though I felt... Paralyzed... It lunged at me making me feel the ripped long fingers piercing into my stomach, my eyes widen feeling blood come up my throat hearing the most disturbing gag that's able to send chills down your spine. The beast grabbed my face pulling it down and gave me the most terrifying grin then said in a low hoarse voice that rings in my ears,

You should of listened... Pay the price your soul is now mine.. Sweet dreams.”


Sweat poured down my face as I sat up horrified from my nightmare. The voice still echoed in my ear and mind, I set my hands flat on my ears trying to block it out but failed. Minutes later I set still from my anxiety attack now realizing that I was soaked in sweat from my little "fiasco" nightmare. That thing.. It sounded familiar from what I know in the past. I knew a friend a long time ago before I moved into this condo in Michigan that researches about crazy stuff. It's pretty nice here, but almost dead as if everyone is afraid of the sunlight touching their skins. My alarm shook me out of my thoughts, I looked over finding it's not the alarm it's my friend Amanda from California. I reached over stretching but grabbing my phone sliding it to answer and yawning loudly I answer with a lazy slurred hello.

“Hey, sweetie.” I squint my eyes and look back at my phone then sighs,

“Calling me sweetie, calling me out of the blue, and being nice.. What do you want?” I arch my eyebrow as I bite my nails forgetting I painted them two days ago causing it to chip making me cuss out loudly and brushing it out. On the added note that I smell horrible and plus my breath smelled like last nights Chinese take out. I can't cook and never learned how so I count on the people I know best. My mother always made fried rice and dumplings on rainy days.. I miss her.

“Gomen'nasai.. Don't be pissy because I want to check on my best friend Anna..” she said softly in regret. Instantly I sighed and said sorry back as we are from the same country. My mother and father are both from Japan, but moved here settled down and had me. So I knew Amanda from being neighbors and finding out she's from Japan too. Who knew...

“How's Michigan for you, love?” She asks sounding distracted as if she's cooking something. I hear a clatter of pans and a scream. I was correct. I laugh and she cusses nearly every word before she picked it up again and started over.

“It's going well I guess.. Just dead. It's kind of creeping me out.” I sigh and rub my legs feeling the prickly hairs coming back, I scrunch my nose up in disgust and roll my eyes adding a mental note of shaving my legs. She huffed in response making me bite my lip a little in thought. “How are you and Calen?” I ask finally, silence suddenly took place only the sizzling pan in her line was all that I heard then she sighed again.

“He cheated on me. I came home and saw...” she sniffles softly and groans making me regret the question. I tell her sorry softly and she dismisses it. “Well... Um I have to go. I'll call you later or you call me later. Bye.” though before I could say goodbye she hangs up and leaves me choked on my words. Sorry.


I turn on the shower feeling my bare body tense up slightly from the cold water and I let out a loud huff. Afterwards it hasn't gotten cold which I put my whole body in letting the water surround me slowly. I take the shampoo and take it in my hand squeezing the bottle to take out the glossy shampoo, I set the bottle down and rub my hands together as I run it through my black long hair, massaging my scalp for a little I rinse it through and continue the other process with the conditioner bottle. I get out an hour later from the steaming bathroom with a towel wrapping around my wet hair and around my body. I head to my closet an decide to go ahead and pick just lazy clothes to go out to the market and see if I can try and make something myself. My eyes settle in a drawers with grey sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Yes.. I'm OCD so what? My sweatpants slip on easily and I wiggle into my sweatshirt then slips on flip flops not really caring if it rains, but honestly it doesn't rain hardly. Finally I nod at my outfit grab my bag and head out, my car is a small BMW that my father bought me before... He died. It revved into a loud roar and a soft purr which made me smile in approval then back up and drive away from my home.

The town looks slightly alive as I know realize. More people are heading out and having fun, maybe a good day? The market seems nice and new. I step out of my car closing it and locking it right away then making my way over. The doors opened automatically letting me step in completely and starting to see the isles. It was empty which made me even more happier so that means in and out. The cashiers seemed bored and young maybe fresh out of high school maybe more, their eyes lit up and they stood up straight and they yelled happily,

“Welcome to Organic Farms let us know if you need any help we'll gladly help, please!” they seemed desperate to talk and they really need it. I know how hard that is. I nodded and made my way to the fresh vegetable isle seeing immediate things I need such as tomatoes, onions, lettuce, and lastly yams. Perfect. The store is honestly empty... This is weird busy on the outside but empty in here. I turn around finally ready to purchase but gasping as I almost bump into an old man with a sour face, foggy eyes, face full of scars, and really bad teeth. He sniffed once and looked at me carefully.

“I know you... You are someone familiar. He's exactly who he needs. Heh..” my heart stopped by his cold laugh causing chills to run up and down my back and I bite my lip gripping my handbag tightly and shudder softly.


“You'll meet him soon... I... I've spoken too much I must leave.” he brushed past me and as I turned around he disappeared like that. I turn back around almost bumping into the employee making me yelp and breath heavily.

“M...miss? Are you okay?” she asks concerned. I shake my head slowly and huff softly,

“I'm fine. Really...” I tell her with a smile. With that she smiles and lean in slowly whispering the words I hated to hear since that man approached me.

“I know what you saw... He chose you... Don't let him get you know.” she laughed and winked making me wonder if it's a joke or not. I... Just want to be home. Now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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