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Lance and Keith are just having their daily arguments,and everyone was just like "not again" but this time it's different,"Well maybe if you weren't su-." Keith was yelling,but something stopped him.

Lance kissed him with clashing teeth then pulled away with hesitation,"Y-you look cute when your mad." He mumbled.

Everyone's mouth's dropped to the ground,"WHAT!!!" Is what everyone shouted at once,"So your telling me that you argued with me because of that reason?" Keith asked sheepishly,"Y-yeah." Lance has to admit,he really thought it was cute when Keith got mad.

Keith's face become so redder than his lion,"W-well, you don't have to s-stop." He said quietly.

Lance took that as a yes,so he kissed him more softly and passionately,while everyone watches,"Hunk,you owe me 40$'s,now." Pidge announced,Hunk groaned in defeat and gave her the money.

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