Dream Journal

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In this dream, I start off at a festive and bright carnival. I'm around 17 years old and with a guy also around that age. I don't know who the guy is, but in the dream, I have the feeling that I love him. Then, all of a sudden, something falls on him, and he dies. Then (I'm guessing its about a week later after the death) I'm at my grandmas house. For some reason, there is a black and orange bounce-house castle, decorated with Halloween characters all over. As I'm having a conversation with my grandma and grandpa beside the bounce house, I am holding the body of the dead boy. The conversation we were having was about how in love me and this guy were. After a wile of conversation, my grandparents go inside. I stay outside, starring at the bounce-house. I start to talk to the dead body of the boy, about how in love we were before, how we met on Halloween, and how I planned to wear the same costume this Halloween as the one I had wore when we met, just for him. So then, after a wile of conversation and walking around the bounce-house, I go into the backyard with the body and lay it on a stone bench. Then, I begin to prepare him for his burial. I start to wrap him up in this stiff cloth, like a mummy.  But once I'm almost done, an arm sticks out. So then I go up the porch and inside to my grandma who is in the kitchen making a cake.  I tell her that I had messed up the wrapping and I needed her help. She told me that she was busy at the moment and couldn't help me. So I went back outside to the body. But when I got there, the body was all the way unwrapped, and the body was no longer the body of a man but a body of a dead girl around 12 years old. She had long black hair that went down almost to her elbows and her skin was very pale and she looked like me a little, was really skinny and wearing an off white gown (like a pajama dress).  I didn't notice the body was different, so then I tried to wrap it just like before. But this time, half of the body hung out. So then, I went back to my grandma who was still in the kitchen making a cake. I asked her again if she could help me but her answer was the same. So I went back to the body to find it unwrapped again, but it was still the body of the girl. Again, I didn't notice, so I started to wrap the body again and when I thought I had finally done it, an arm shot out of the wrapping towards me. I gasped and took a couple steps back. I starred at the wrapped body with one unrapped arm sticking out and then ran back to my grandma inside. I begged her to come help me wrap the body, but her answer was still the same. I gave up, and as I turned around to go back to the body, there she was in the doorway starring at me, the little 12 year old girl. I instantly gasped and fell back. All I can remember next is that I found a sharp piece of glass that looked like it came from a mirror and was up and trying to stab her with it. But every time it slashed her she didn't even seem to notice. Then I finally cornered her on the porch thinking that I could easily take her down now. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to hit her with the glass again. I screamed for my grandma to help me but her answer was still no.  I looked at the girl in the eyes, still trying to kill her. But as I looked at her she was just standing there with cuts on her from where I had gotten her with the glass, it wasn't even phasing her. I tried harder to stab her with the glass but I still couldnt get to her and my arm was beggining to get tired. Then when I looked at her again she had a pleased and evil smile on her face. Then I just stopped and stood there. Looking at her smiling at me. I became confused. Thats when I woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2012 ⏰

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