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Penelope O'Leary
Log #542

Seven days have passed since Subject R was injected with the serum. Improvements are noticeable, with significantly faster reflexes and cognitive processing capability. McLean is ecstatic with the progress. I worry that he's becoming too attached to the Subject, and is now trying to carry on full-blown conversations with it outside of sanctioned testing. It's probably nothing, though. I'll keep an eye on him.

Penelope O'Leary
Log #547

Almost ten days on the serum, and Subject R is responding extremely well. It's gained the capability to utter short phrases, and pass easy logic tests. It likes McLean the most, but is gaining civility with other lab members. The Subject will eat out of a hand now, and doesn't bite anymore. Everyone is eager to see how far the results will go. Maybe we'll finally find the answer.

Penelope O'Leary
Log #553

Subject R has begun to read, but is growing increasingly hostile again. Will check back in a few days. McLean is still defending his prized pet.

Penelope O'Leary
Log #557

Subject R flipped a lab table today, right after completing an incredibly advanced logic puzzle. It has stopped speaking, but appears to be growing only more intelligent. McLean has started to refer to it as "her" and, on occasion, "Rachel." I applied to get him removed from the case, as forming an attachment to test subjects isn't wise. Every time I try to broach the subject, however, I'm shut down. The Subject is also becoming increasingly protective of him. I worry that it will interfere with the integrity of the data he collects. It is interesting, however, to see the empathy and connection that can be formed between one and the Subject. Perhaps this is the key.

Penelope O'Leary
Log #561

After over two weeks on the Serum, Subject R is beginning to revert to savagery and is, curiously, gaining strength. Still incredibly logical, but mute, the Subject is solving advanced problems and passing tests never thought possible. It is, however, refusing to eat without McLean's presence and is becoming increasingly hostile towards other lab members, including myself.

Penelope O'Leary
Log #573

It is Christmas Eve, and McLean refuses to leave the lab at any time now, spending all available minutes with his "Rachel," he now calls it all the time. It is vicious to anyone besides him, and is growing even more in strength. The head of the company reported back, and they said they'd be removing McLean from the case. I worry, still, about him and his work. I am afraid it might be driving him mad.

Penelope O'Leary
Log #582

Situations are growing increasingly dangerous around the Subject. The CEO wants to shut the entire lab down, but McLean is fighting viciously for the Subject and the potential it has for leading us to new heights scientifically. He says the secret is in her newly modified genes, if we can only have a few more months, or even weeks, to work on it. I see only madness, and the Subject has nearly assaulted several lab members. McLean says we'll be sorry if we try to harm his work.

I'm afraid.

Penelope O'Leary
Log #589

We need help. If anyone finds this, please do something- McLean has gone completely mad. Upon further research, we found that he was hiding another copy of "Rachel's" genes and had injected them into another Subject, this one male. He insists it's the answer, but now the lab is on lockdown. This is my last log. Please, if anyone finds this, let the world know what is happening. Tell everyone.

Our planet may be in danger.

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