Never Give a Ghost Peanut Butter

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(Robin POV)

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(Robin POV)

I'm so BORED! There is absolutely nothing to do.

I'm hanging out in the Cave with everyone else, with absolutely nothing to do.

...Did I already say that? Eh.

"Uuuuuggggghhhh, I'm so bored! Is there anything to do? Like, at all?" I ask rhetorically.

Kaldur yells from the couch, "We know. You've been saying that for the past three hours. If it's that bad, why don't you go patrol the town?"

"I already did that! There was, like, one mugger. And he wasn't even that good! All I had to do was laugh and he ran crying to the cops to turn himself in," I respond.

Suddenly, Wally calls out from his spot on the floor playing his videogame, "You could make us sandwiches, cuz that would be awesome. Can you make us sandwiches?"

Come to think of it, I'm kinda hungry, too. Damn fast metabolisms. "...Fine."

With that, I come down from my spot on the top of the couch and go toward the kitchen. There's not much in the cabinets, except for some canned foods that I'm not even sure why we have, among other things. With the bread that I had already pulled from the microwave (I have no clue who decided to start doing that), maybe everyone could just have toast.

That is, until a tan and blue plastic jar catches my eye in the far corner.

"Peanut butter? Hmh," I can't even remember the last time I had peanut butter. Oh, well. Peanut butter sandwiches it is, then.

After the bread is in the toaster, I turn to the peanut butter and open it with ease. However, I stop in my tracks as the smell reaches me.

It is absolutely heavenly! How have I been missing out on this!? I have to try it, so I take the spoon and eat a little bit.


How is it possible for something to taste this good!? I have to share this wondrous discovery with the others! With barely a thought, I shift into my ghost form and race back into the living room, spoon and jar in hand.

"GuysguysguysguysguyshaveyouTRIEDthis!?It'sawesome!!!" I shout all at once, flying up to each of my teammates before latching onto Wally. They HAVE to know how awesome this is.

They all look at me like I'm insane, so Kaldur asks, "R-Robin, are you...feeling alright?"

"Course, why?" I ask while taking another spoonful of the edible piece of heaven and hanging onto a stunned Connor.

"'s just don't usually act like...this," Artemis says, eying me warily.

I just shrug and race to Megan, who has just been watching in confusion. She looks incredibly weirded out by my hug before telling the others, "I can't get a read on his mind. It's going too fast."

Never Give a Ghost Peanut ButterWhere stories live. Discover now