199.arc en ciel

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Twenty years passed by in a blink of an eye.

Meanwhile Tris suffered from Paranoia and panic attacks.

He had drowned so badly that no air can bring him bak to life.

He was a free man but within he could never shake of the crime he had committed.

You killed him You killed him You killed him You killed him You killed him You killed him You killed him You killed him You killed him You killed him You killed him.

It had rained that day but no rainbow appeared  from beneath the clouds.

He was done with the torture.

He wanted to end everything and so was the water calling him.

He remembered his last kiss as Brad laid on the couch a week ago.

Everything dissolved like sugar for him; an unknown silence and guilt grabbed him by his neck.

He understood that time cannot stop for a betrayer like him.

It has to move on.

He never knew what happened in The ER after his departure.

Dis Brad survive or.............

He didnt wanted to think about it but mind never listens right.

The aging heart was scared but he had a small hope somewhere within the hollowness.

Twenty years of hollowness.

As he stared at the pond water with little white lilies rising like a sun over the new horizon, a familiar touch brushed against the back of his gloved palm.


The messy butterflies en-robed his stomach and the hollow abyss slowly filed up with monotonous Tears.

The rainbows which had faded away from their lifeless sky became vivid and bright forever again.

So guys i finally completed Arc en ciel yayyyyyyyyyyyy!

Tbh these last two chaps are long becuz i had reached my limit of 200 parts srry ;(

I hope you had fun reading it and do cheack out my new book

-Battle scars[bronnor]

Sayonara and love always brycy!!!!!!!!!!!!


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