Chapter 1

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"Hermione, love, if we're going to the dance, we need to go out and get dresses for you and Molly and dress robes for little Zander." Hermione's husband explains. "What about you? You also need to get some dress robes?" she argues, but continues, "Besides, I don't want to go to Diagon Alley. I don't want to be seen by everyone just yet. Can we go somewhere else, love?" She ask him quietly. Severus sighs, "I have some nice dress robes, already. And, yes, love, we can shop somewhere else if it will get you to go shopping. Now go get Molly ready, and I'll get Zander ready. I'll meet you at the fireplace in 15 minutes." He says as he places a quick kiss on her cheek and walks off towards Zander's room. 

"Daddy!" A shrill voice calls as he enters the room. Two-year-old Zander Severus Snape waddles over to his dad. He has black hair like his father, but its curly like his mother's. He also has her brown eyes and tan skin. "Come on, Zander. Mummy is getting sister ready and then we're going shopping." Severus tells him as he scoops him up and starts getting him ready.


"Molly, sweetie, where are you?" Hermione calls as she looks for her daughter in her room. But there is no sign of her anywhere. She grabs a cloak and a pair of shoes for her as well, as she continues her search for Molly. "Molly Ann Snape! You get down here this instance!" Hermione calls through the halls of Prince Mansion. "Coming, Mum." calls a little voice from the library. *-year-old Molly is a exact replica of her father, with the exception of her brown eyes and curly hair. 

Severus chuckles as he watches his daughter coming out of the library, "Just like your mother, sweetheart." Hermione softly laughs with him. Okay, is everyone ready?" Hermione asks her family. When they all nod, she grabs some floo powder and floos them all to Simple & Chic, her favorite wizarding dress shop. 

After a 3 hours of shopping, everyone had found something for the ball. Hermione had found a strapless emerald green, silk, floor length dress. It had silver beading at the empire waistline. It had a sweetheart neckline, a slit on the right that went up to her mid-thigh, and a plunging back. For Molly, they found a soft-yellow, knee-length dress that had flowers along the square neckline and had cap sleeves. For Zander, they found black dress robes and a blue tie. And for Severus, since he had black dress robes, they got a red tie for him to wear, instead of his usual black.

After returning home, Severus asked Billie, their houself, to start dinner for everyone, while he and Hermione took all of their stuff to their room. "Severus, dear, I'm going to take these to Malfoy Manor. We're supposed to get ready with Narcissa, Draco, and Astoria tomorrow. I'll be back within the hour." "Okay, love. See you soon." Hermione kisses Severus, then apparates to Malfoy Manor.

*Written 12/13/2016

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