Arshaan grabbed his shirt from the chair and started wearing it , Sara was constantly reading him from head to toe..He was lean but quite muscular , his biceps and six packs were just stunning..Sara couldn't resist herself..

" Excuse me???" he swayed his hand in front of her face .

"Yahhh ...yahhh"

"So tell me , what are you doing here??? or something is left to tell??" he raised his brows .

"I just came to apologize ." Sara build enough courage to utter the words

"I am extremely sorry Arshaan.."

"By doing so , you don't need to impress me , miss Sara.." He said

"I didn't mean that , can you please talk straight , i beg you" she pleaded

'You know what Sara , no matter how much you pose yourself you will always be a stupid 18 year old girl..." Sara felt her heart floating... How can he be so rude she thought...

"I am such a stupid to come all the way to excuse him , let him go to hell , i don't care..." She shrugged her shoulder and turned on her feet to go when Arshaan's mobile started ringing....Who was calling him that late ..Sara thought and closed the door behind her...she was now walking down the stairs when she suddenly stopped , turned around and raced back to his room ..But this time she didn't went inside rather knelt down on the floor , dragged herself close to the door , sticked her ears on the door , now she can easily hear his conversations.....

"Yah sure , sure.."

"Where??? tell me the place"

"The night club....okayyy"

"Bye take care."

"Bye take care...LOSER  ...huh " Sara mimicked him

"I know this is the same girl with red hairs ,, she is seen around Arshaan quite often , OVERSMART...HUH" Sara was about to stand when the door opened , she couldn't balance and fell flat near Arshaan's foot...OH SUCH EMBARASSING MOMENT .....Sara felt like running away....

"Ohhhh so you were listening to my talks , right????"

Sara was still lying on the fioor , she lifted her head and nodded "NO"

"I see some people have started spying on me , am i right???"

She stood up , tucked her hairs behind the ears and said.

"See i wasn't doing any such thing , okay ,anyways i just came for..."

"Hmmmmm  say for what???"  He moved closer , very close such that his breath fanned her face . She held her breath and stood still .He was still moving closer , Sara stepped back and hit the wall behind her.. He placed his hand on the wall .Sara felt her stomach churning , he was contantly staring at her , she closed her eyes , she didn't want to look in his eyes... those killing eyes of his...

"So tell me what punishment i should give you for this ???" he asked

Sara stood quite... she has no words to speak....

"Okay ,so your punishment is ....... you will write my assingment..."


"Arshaan......" Sara almost cried

"I think i have made my point clear.."

"Arshaan you know how poor i  am at studies.."

"I know how dumb you are ,so  i will give you the content you just write it down ..."

"Okay fine.."

"Atleast smile , i am giving you concession.."

"huh" she smiled unwillingly. He leaned back . Sara took a sigh of relief and rushed out of the room...


"Hey josephine , how are you ?" Sara gave a girly hug to Josephine and pulled the chair to sit.

"How are you?? i am fine.."

"Fine, say something ?" Sara was playing with her bracelet .

"Right now i am very much tensed about my assingement.."

"Assingement!!!!!" Sara laughed

"It seems like you kind of isn't worrried about your assingement ,,you know it carries 80 marks ."

"I know dear , Arshaan is going to give me the content ,.."

"Are you sure..??" Josephine asked in astonishment

"Yes , you just wait and watch dear " she said in excitement

" Sara i think you are not in your sense , you talking wierd man.."

"You shut up . Look Arshaan is coming here , i have to go " she rushed out of the cafeteria

"Sara.." Arshaan called her

"Yes  "

"Look i have got the content " he pulled some papers from her  bag

"So many ..." she kept the paper in her bag

"I want it by tomorrow , you know what i mean .."

"Huh , am i your servant." she murmurred

"Did you say something to me.."

"Noooo noo ....i said i will hand over the assingment by tomorrow.."

"hey guys" Amir interrupted in between

"Hi Amir how are you??" only Sara replied while Arshaan passed a 'NOT INVITED' look

"Fine ,actually i need a favour Sara , Would you mind being my partner.."

"For what????" Arshaan asked instead

"For dance , dude"

"Sure why not , i will be glad..." she said in excitement and looked at Arshaan's face . He was staring at her...His eyes red like blood...

"Oh so mr. Arshaan is getting jealous.. huh" Sara thought and smiled "Who CARE'S" she shrugged and held Amir's hand

"Let's go Amir.."

As Sara was passing by Arshaan he seized her hand and pulled her ...

" Why did you agreed to be his partner...." he asked in rudeness

"Excuse me , my LIFE my you better refrain from poking your nose in between..."

Arshaan smashed the bonnet of the car with his fist... although he got hurt but the feeling that Sara is going to dance with Amir was more painfull.........

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