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pov y/n

around 3 am i wanted to visit the toilet and go for little girls like me. i stood up and opened the door. a sleepy yoongi was in front of it.

pov yoongi

"uuuhh, y/n. i was scared about the drunken namjoon. what if he comes again? i'm sorry. go back to sleep," i apologized and she nodded.

"i'll be right back i'm going to the toilet. uhm, by the way, where is it?," she asked embarrassed.

i lead her to the toilet and she thanked. i just nodded and waited for her.

i think she was thankful. it was pretty dark and maybe she's a little bit afraid of the drunken namjoon.

after finishing her things she went out.

"uhm, yoongi?"


"why don't you sleep?", she asked me

"uhm, i already said it. i want to take care of you y/n," i answered her question.

"uhm, okay. but yoongi?"

"yes?," i asked again.

"can you sleep this night in my room?"

i could swear, i felt the redness in my face.

"uh, sure y/n"

"thanks yoongi," she put a smile on her face and i smiled back.

we went back to the room and laid together in the huge bed.

"y/n?," i asked stuttering.

"yes?," she replied.

"uhm... how do i say that?," i questioned myself.

i think she was confused to this point.

"just continue, i won't react. i swear," she smiled again.

i need to confess right now, i won't have a second chance, i thought.

i nodded. "i think i like you y/n."

"oh, ehm... yoongi, i like you too, but not like you do. you are like a brother to me. i like someone else. i'm really sorry, yoongi," her cute smile faded. why?

than i realized what she said. mine faded too.

"oh, okay. everything's well," i lied.

"but y/n?," i asked again.


"it is namjoon, isn't he?," i asked assured.

she nodded. "uhm, yes. i'm sorry yoongi."

"everything's fine! doesn't matter," i put a fake smile on and she smiled suddenly too.

"thanks for being a good friend, yoongi," she giggled.

"your welcome y/n. good night, sleep well princes," i said before i fall asleep.

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