A Plan

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We had made a campfire and stayed in an old building, we tooo turns taking watch,but we never let Damon take watch by himself.. it was more Aliyah's decision then everyone else's, but I knew for a fact I would NOT let her kill Damon.. I owed him big time, so that was my pay for my debt to him. I looked around and I looked over my shoulder to see Mira staring at me then I walked to her.. "Hey, I didn't mean to scare you earlier.." "it's fine, I just thought you were one of the vaves.." "What are the 'Vaves'?" "they're a group of people who live off of people's flesh like the walkers except they aren't walkers they're human beings" "That's disgusting.." "Yeah, we always have to keep watch because we've been attacked by them before, at one point in time we had a group of fifteen people including my sister.. but now we're down to three.." "oh" I said my stomach dropping, because I hadn't tried to save Alice. "Did you ever see her after the apocalypse began?" "Yes, I saw her before she died" "She's dead?" She asked with disbelief, I nodded and she began to laugh. "Finally I don't have to be scared of that monster anymore.. after the apocalypse began she started doing it again and I'm now 15, and she was 22 as you know, but she was hard to fight so it happened, I prayed to see you again and I prayed for her to die." "I don't know what to say.." "Tell me, how did she die?" I frowned, "She was surrounded by tons of zombies and I ran, ran away because it would have been suicide for both of us, if I tried to save her and I have the love of my life with me I wasn't going to die for Alice" I said being completely honest. "I understand although I do feel bad that you had to see that, the last time I saw her was when the 'vaves' attacked us and she took off in the other direction, I watched as they chased after her over my shoulder and finally all of them quit chasing us and just went after Alice.. I'm surprised they didn't catch her before the walkers got her." "Well it's done and over with.. can we please quit talking about this?" "Yeah, and thank you for not leaving.. again." "I'm sorry about that before it's a long story and you're to young to understand why I left.." "No! don't do that I hate it when I get treated like a child.. I am a teenager and I'm more mature then people my age, so please don't do that to me like mom,dad,and Alice did..." "I'm sorry, but you're a child compared to me, but I understand the way you feel so I'll try to treat you like you're grown.. but you gotta act it" "Deal, now go to your girlfriend I think she's looking for you" she said pointing to a pacing Aliyah. I nodded and walked behind Aliyah and grabbed her waist pulling her small boy towards mine, "there you are" she whispered turning around and hugging my torso. "I'm here, and I'm sorry for trusting Joseph" "it's ok, can we just not talk about him? unless we're coming up with a plan?" "Yeah that's fine, but I think it's time for us to get some rest the red head is on watch in about five minutes" "okie" she said pulling me down beside her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and nuzzled my nose in the crook of her neck, beginning to drift off to sleep, and she stopped me saying "forever and always I will love you" "forever and always" I whispered out drifting off to sleep.

I whispered to her soft snores , I was terrified to fall asleep because I was still paranoid something would happen again.. from now on out everytime she goes salvaging or anything imma be right beside her, I will never be so irresponsible ever, ever again. I felt her shift her boy somewhat at the moment I had been frustrated because I wanted her to touch me.. no not sexually, well not at the moment I just wanted to be closer to her in every possible way, it was like earlier when I didn't see where I had left her I began to panic for a few seconds and then I felt the tingles that her touch had always sparked in my body and I knew it was her. "Aliyah" whispered the redhead "yes?" "I was just making sure you were awake and it wasn't somebody else talking to themselves.." "oh I was talking out loud?" "yes" "hey, I didn't catch your name.. may I know your name?" "Macy is my name" "that's a pretty name" "well thank you, but you've gotta get some sleep.." "ok,ok" She laughed softly then turned gaze back to the open. I closed my eyes listening to Clairie's soft snores.

~Wake up everyone~
I sat up and saw Aliyah sleeping then she began tossing and turning once I got up and she was beginning to breathe heavily she snapped her eyes open and looked around. "Oh, sorry I thought-" "I know what you were thinking.." I said kneeling in front of her and kissing her in the forehead. "it's ok I'm not going anywhere, I promise" "ok, thank you live you" "love you most" she gasped. "We are so not having this argument right now, we've gotta wake up everyone" she said rubbing her eyes. I jumped up amused with what I was about to do.. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" I screamed and began to laugh everyone shot up and began to glare at me. "What the hell Clairie! you scared us!" "that's the point, now get your asses up its time to come up with the plan for killing Joseph." "Ight let's do thid!" they all said in unison. We all gathered some water from the lake and splashed it all over the campfire eliminating the chance of smoke to be seen.

~The Plan~
"Ok, so I've been thinking about thus ever since that ass hole kept me captive. " "ok, get on with it I'm excited to hear how damented this will sound " I rolled my eyes. "So we're going to use our knives at the beginning to keep it quiet so it's easier to keep more guards off of us, and once there are to many for us to handle we'll begin to blast them... taking away Joseph's security and once we find him, Aliyah and I will lock him in a room with just him, me ,and Aliyah and you guys will keep watch for walkers or his 'back up' " "Alright sounds good to me!" but then Damon interupted.. "I would like to take action in killing Joseph.. he killed my father and I want revenge.." "No" Aliyah said and I gave her a look and she looked apologetically at Damon. "Ok, you can help harm him.. but Aliyah and I are going to actually be the ones to kill him, if you don't like the sound of it you won't take any action in the killing of Joseph, got it" He looked frustration but nodded. "Alright that is settled.. so whose got food I'm starving." Aliyah we t to the bag and pulled out some canned beans. "Sorry, this is all we've got guys.." "It's fine as long as we have something to eat." Mira said in a cheery tone. Aliyah smiled at her and we each shared a can every two people. "mmm, food I missed you" I said in an exaggerated tone. "Oh my lord, Clairie" Aliyah said beginning t9 giggle. "What I'm starving" and I began to giggle with her because her giggle was contagious soon everyone began to laugh. "I think this will be the best group yet" Mira stated and her face lit up when I nodded. "See even Clairie agrees!" We all began to laugh again and I tossed a water bottle to everyone, soon enough we began to head towards our destination.

~I actually like this chapter, and I hope you guys do to😊 gimme feedback please and you can give me some tips, I welcome all~

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