AMI:um ok I really am pissed off this day I'm just so done with it
KIZER:um uh just put on the coustumes I guess there's this button on itAMI:I'm ready
KIZER:readyHIRITO:lets go
HIRITO:it seems we all have one thing in common we have a wrap on us many that's it
KIZER:hmmm your right pushKIZER:nothing happened
AMI:with HIRITO observational skills no way
YUKIEA:your right nothing happensHIRITO:the kekaknot you remember it was very vague but I think we should use that
YUKIEA:but how do you use the kekaknot
AMI: well it is important that we figure out how to use it for sure
KIZER:um I'm at a lost
AMI:me to
YUKIEA:maby we should just beat each other till black and blue then grab a knife then slit our rest then do a ritual and sign a contract in our blood and then it will work
AMI:well that just obliterated my train of thought
KIZER:sorry she's Emo!YUKIEA:oh shut up
HIRITO:uh enough we need to figure out what we need to do now
HIRITO:how just how are we gonna do this