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  With his head against the bark of the tree they Daniel laid on, he suddenly woke up to a small groan of the Polar Bear before a thump to the ground was heard. Daniel peered down over the branch and saw two lights from a dark van that sat in front of the Polar Bear that was darted. In the deafening silence small foot steps were heard before flash lights shined straight up at the branch they were at.


A steady beat from a monitor that sat across from her as she laid in a bed of warmth. The bed was a normal hospital bed with heated blankets piled on top of her. Tubes and wires were stuck all over her body, one stuck in her chest to support her breathing. Ocean sat motionless and alone except for the frosted flowers that sat by her.

   Meanwhile, A woman walked with a fast pace rushed around the empty hospital. She begun to head towards Ocean's room when she noticed Daniel sitting outside of the room, biting his nails anxiously. When he looked up and saw the woman he practically sprung to his feet and walked quickly to her. The woman wore a white laboratory coat with blue scrubs underneath and a card poked out of her pocket on her shirt.

"Thank god some one finally arrived, thank you for taking your sweet time by the way." Daniel commented sarcastically.

  "I didn't have to save you, I could have left you to freeze and your girlfriend to die. Because of me you two are alive so a thank you would be appreciated." The woman commented irritated.

  "Thank you-." Daniel said finishing his sentance early and squinted until he read the card that stuck out of her pocket.

"Dr. Williams." Danile added with a forced smile.

"Sam... call me Sam. And don't thank me yet because we're not out of the woods yet. The storm is getting worse by the minute. The news showed pictures of buildings that were hit by the storm hours ago." Sam said as she sprinted to the television and turned it to the emergency broadcast station.

  A woman sat at a desk and spoke about the storm.

"As you all know there is a deadly storm heading everyone's way. The storm has hit Canada and begun to freeze buildings. Buildings are completely covered in ice and snow. Snow levels are rising dangerously high and so far at least two hundred are thought to be dead. Some of the survivors had reported the frost had shut their heating down and had to flee home. Now behind me are the images taken of places taken over by the blizzard." The woman said as she pointed at pictures of the remains from the blizzards wrecking.

Sam sighed as she switched off the television. She shook her head slightly but rose her head up and put on a smile.

"Let's go check on your girlfriend." Sam spoke with a sly, sarcastic chuckle to it.

Daniel's eyes widened as he lowered his head with embarrassment. His pale cheeks flushed as he still burried his head down hiding his flustered cheeks.

"She's not my girlfriend." Daniel replied back with an irritated edge to it, brows furrowed and all.

  All though he couldn't see it, Sam smirked deviousasly but kept walking quietly with a steady stride of pace. Once at the white, heavy door Sam digged in the pocket and grabbed the card and slid it across the card slot. Two faint buzzes were sounded and the door swung open slowly.

  Daniel grimaced as he peered over to the depressed room. It was dark and lonely. Daniel studied her seeing her in a deep sleep, ageless. She was like the rose that was frosted over. What once was a beautiful rose is still a beautiful rose, but asleep and locked behind a prison of enternal sleep until the frost dissaperes. His body went numb as he saw her the way she is.

It was all his fault. If he hadn't gone that way... maybe, just maybe things would have turned out differently. She wouldn't be in this boat if he didnt run into the polar bear or even go that way, or even met her. He wasn't upset that he had met her, he laughed and enjoyed the breif moments between eachother. If anything he wished it was him. Him who went into this prison of sleep. Not her but him.

Daniel held his hand over his mouth with a grimace over his face. He smiled sadly as he walked to her bed and sat in the chair by her bed. He sat his hand by hers but didn't toutch hers. It was too fragile, and preserved. Like a mirror, dainty and if you don't care for it properly it will crack and break.

  "I like to belive you can hear me. If you can or can't I am going to talk because I owe that to you. I messed up. I messed up pretty bad this time. It's all my fault, I wish I could say I never met you because maybe... just maybe you'd be alive right now. The thing is... I am glad I met you. It has been the highlight of this spontaneous adventure. We almost died but against all odds we made it. This has been a horrible experiance but your smile or even your sly remarks make it worth a while. You have to fight this and wake up because if you don't I wont be able to live with myself knowing I killed not just anyone, but Ocean. Ocean Wells." Daniel spoke with a shaken voice  as he hung onto every word.

Suddenly a gasp erupted from the cold, preserved body of Ocean Wells. Her eyes fluttered open and looked around puzzled, brows knit curisous and all. When she turned her head she saw him and a smile rose on her face.

"You couldn't kill me even if you tried." Ocean spoke quietly trying to be humorous to lighten the mood.

Daniel gasped with relif as a smile, bright and all erupted onto his face. He chuckled along with her and then reached in and pulled her into a tight embrase. Her arms were colder than ice itself but he didn't care.

  Ocean pulled apart as Daniel's hands were on her face. Tension grew once again between the two but this time Ocean knew what to do. She slowly leaned in and her lips went to his. The kiss that was ment to happen, failed to happen. Ocean brushed pass his lips and leaned back on her pillow. Daniel held his jaw open with shock as he was still in awe from what just happened.

   "I got you back..." Ocean said as she bit her lip nervousasly.

Daniel turned to her amd smirked as he stared into her eyes.

"You sure did..." Daniel said with his voice trailing off, distracted and all.

In that moment Daniel turned his attention to Ocean and grabbed her face quickly, he leaned in and this time their lips auctually met and they kissed. It was electricity, sparks went off. Ocean was caught by suprise but gave in. When the two pulled apart Ocean chuckled with flushed cheeks. Her freckles were covered by her blushing cheeks.

"I got you back." Daniel spoke confidently, quoting after Ocean.

  "You sure did." Ocean commented with a hushed tone from just waking up from an accident. She too quoted after Daniel like he did with her.

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