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"Ana!  Are you free today?" called Ade, Ana's cousin, as she opened her bedroom door.

"I'm barely awake" she groaned, still adjusting to U.S time.

"I'm going into the office early and my boss would like to meet you," smiled Ade as he walked in the room with a fresh cup of coffee.

"Why would your boss want to meet me?" yawned Ana as she padded passed him and downstairs to the kitchen, her favourite room in the Santa Monica house.

"He's having a family day for all the staff at Bad Robot," replied Carol, Ade's wife.

"Bad Robot?  As in JJ Abrams' Bad Robot?" stammered Ana. 

"Yes, that's my new boss!" laughed Ade as he sat down at the breakfast bar and watched Ana's shocked face.

"Well, you're a sneaky bastard!" she laughed, "What else have you got up your sleeve?"

"Nothing" grinned Ade as he picked up his car keys, "You coming?"


"Why not?" shrugged Ade as he headed out.  "I'll wait in the car"

Turning to Carol, Ana could only gawp and gesticulate towards the door that her cousin had just walked out of.  "JJ has been speaking with Robert Pine and somehow, he made a connection between you and Ade.  It's a good thing... And JJ is a really great guy and wants to meet you."

"Oh crap!  How do I not do a total goldfish on him?" stammered Ana as she ran to her room to get ready.

"You looked after Robert and dealt with his son on the phone.  I think you can handle JJ," called Carol, following behind her and helping her pick out an outfit.

"I was in work mode..."

"You've got this!  Now go have fun!" laughed Carol as she walked her to the door.

"Nervously, Ana collected her backpack, phone and camera.  This was one moment that had to be caught on camera.

Driving through Santa Monica and into the city of cinema, Ade told me how his photography had gotten him noticed by JJ's team and he'd been hired to work for Bad Robot.  Also, he admitted he wasn't just going into the office, "I gotta take you downtown to the new set."

"What?  Where?" squealed Ana, grabbing the dashboard and looking like a rabbit in headlights.

"Here!" smiled Ade, tickled that he had managed to render his cousin speechless as she starred out the window and noticed they were outside the paramount lot.

Once through security and her bag returned (complete with phone and camera), she could go onto the new bridge of the Enterprise.

"You are so..." she gasped.

"Sneaky?" nudged Ade.

"Screwed!" she retorted before sticking her tongue out at Ade's back, leading the way.

"I hope you have a good revenge plan!" announced JJ Abrams as he approached the two of them.

"I'm a nurse, there are many, many ways of getting revenge!" winked Ana, shaking the director's hand.

"So, I believe, just don't let me get on the wrong side of you!" he teased before introducing her to his AD and other members of his team.  Whilst this was going on, Ade had gone off to do some "work".  Unbeknown to her, Ade was rounding up Captain Kirk, aka Chris Pine and his father, Robert.

Ana was taking the most of sitting in the captain's chair on the bridge of the Enterprise when Robert came onto the set, "My favourite nurse!"

"Sarge!" laughed Ana as she jumped up from the chair and greeted him with a huge hug.

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