Chapter 1: New Faces

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Ok so this is my first story, so please leave comments for anything you think I should work on, add, etc etc and also thanks for the read! I obviously do not own Star Wars: The Old Republic in which the story takes place is owned and created by Bioware (its a good game btw!)

Outer Rim Region, Unknown Planet

"Wake up Mr. Gosular, we aren't done talking yet,' The Chiss women said as she shocked him, making his dream of home dissipate away.

"To hell with you," Lyon slurred back straining again at his seats restraints. " She trusted you, I trusted you, why are you doing this, what did we ever do?"

"Nothing personal Lyon, but orders are orders, it isn't my place to question," the shadowy alien women said with pity in her voice, " but, maybe I can be persuaded to let you go, if you tell me what I want to know."

"Go. To. Hell." Lyon growled as he was coming back around.

The Chiss women walked over to him, eltro-rod in hand, and stared down at him, and with a smile as evil as a demons, ignited the rod and beat the helpless man until his screams stopped as he fell into unconsciousness at the hands if a friend.

A Week Earlier, Gamo'ra's Cantina, Nar Shaddaa

"Are you sure it's a good idea to bring her along Hun?" Valaila Varr said as she followed her husband down the cantina steps to meet with their new crew member.

"Of course not, but we need a help to pull this one, she is an Imperial Chiss, knows the Imperial codes and all, she can get us passed their blockades and possibly past their checkpoints," Lyon Gosular replied to his wife as they entered the cantinas main room, with music blaring and Twi'lek dancers entertaining their patrons.

Lyon loved Cantinas, you had some of the best entertainment on the planet; not just the dancers ( he wouldn't dare tell his wife though!) and bands like the Smuggler Love, but also you got to see the occasional beer fight turn into a gang fight that lead to a street riot, he loved that the most. Of course he could find his money maker, smuggling jobs, sometimes it was smuggling people to and from areas where they have warrants, and of course, goods and materials, usually for Hutts who didn't like bureaucracies of worlds they had markets on.

He has never turned down a job, no matter the risk, until he had met Valaila, after what his friends called 'baggage' or marriage as all sane people called it, he kept his jobs to safe ones, not dangerous, that was until she joined the game of smuggling, then she wanted the thrill of the fight and flybys of their job. Yet, even Valaila began to want to stop doing these dangerous jobs, and out right leave the business, so he made her agree to one more job, that'd set them for life. Steal from the Sith Empire. Gamo'ra's the Cruel had agreed to give him one last job for one big pay off, that was to steal from the Sith, to hijack a freighter full of Sith Lord Artifacts, which he had been told can go for one billion credits per artifact and return them to Gamo'ra and he'll pay full price of five, and sell all others at a 50/50 split.

"Well, we need more than just one other for this job, who else do you plan on involving into our lil scheme here." Valaila asked as they entered walked through the crowd of people to the bar at the back of the cantina, probably tucked away for a reason.

"I'll call up some old friends, Niklo is probably still-" Lyon was saying in return as they where approached by a another blue-skinned alien, that was not a Twi'lek but a Chiss.

"I take it you're Lyon?" The Chiss women said, her Imperial accent showing as her glowing red eyes borrowed into Lyon and Valaila as they darted between them.

"Yes, you must be Anya Jonor, names Lyon, this is-" Lyon saying as he stretched out his hand to shake her when he end interrupted by Anya who replied arrogantly with "I know who you both are, lets skip the pleasantries and get down to business ok."

"What cut do you want?" Valaila asked as she took a seat on the other side of Anya.

"Thirty-five percent, no less no more,"

Lyon looked at his Twi'lek wife who looked back at him, both sharing mutual thoughts. Finally Valaila nodded, and stood up and walked up next to Lyon and they both looked at Anya, and Lyon told her, "We agree to that, but yet don't leave yet," he walked over to the the white furred Talz bartender and said loudly over the sound of the cantina noise, "three Kazie Shots, and nerf-burger too will ya?"

After a few minutes the bartender slid three Kazie Shots over the grimy cantina bar, and walked over with the nerf burger and placed it down in front of Lyon and held out its white furred hand to Lyon, and gurgled something out in its native language, obviously asking for its payment.

Lyon began rummaging through his multiple pockets and gun holsters, until Valaila, with a cold sigh and stare at Lyon handed the bartender his money, and the furred alien let out its gratitude and went on to his other customers. With quick succession Lyon handed the trio their drinks and said with a wide smile showing pearly white teeth, "to a Smugglers Luck!"

"To a Smugglers Luck!" Valaila and Anya said together and raised their glasses together, tapped them together and downed them.

"Ah! I love the burn!" Lyon smiled as he slammed his drink down onto the bar.

"I'll see you two...?" Anya asked as she began to gather herself and walk towards the exit with Lyon and Valaila in two close behind.

"Two days from now, we'll meet in Docking Level C Messidra," Lyon responded as they walked passed the fat green-skinned Gamoreans that guarded the cantina and then with one last glance at the other, they went their separate ways, acting as if the other never knew the other.

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