Chapter 4: Love and Life

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Ok so there is romance (just kissing mostly nothing to crazy!) in this one I suck at romance so if you have any suggestions that could help please leave a comment!

Apartment Complex Sector 312-3, Corellian Sector, Nar Shaddaa

  Lyon walked into the lobby of the Star Apartments, he stopped to take in the blaster marks, and droids that silently guarded the apartment from the rampant gangs of Nar Shadaa. Valaila walked past Lyon as she walked towards the droids that stood guard in front of the elevators that would lead up and down the endless apartment. As she handed the droid her false I.D and entrance code she looked back at Lyon and gave a questioning look that asked a million different questions.

Lyon shook his head as he walked off towards Valaila and the other guards that stood guard in the lobby of the warn down apartment bottom, where those with something hide are never seen again. Whoever is looking down from up there, just keep her safe will ya? Lyon asked himself as he followed Valaila's procedure and handed the droid his false I.D and entrance code and as the droid handed him back his I.D and entrance card, it stood to the side and then suddenly its right arm fell to the floor, oil spewing out of its broken circuts, wires, and tubes.

Lyon gave out a small laugh and a smile as he walked past the malfunctioning droid to the smiling and also laughing Valaila at what the Hutts called 'security'.

As both Valaila and Lyon walked into the elevator, Valaila smiled as she pushed in their room floor and the elevator doors closed and they felt the lurch of the elevator flying up the many floors of the apartment.

"What's so funny?" Lyon asked with a smile as his wife stood there feigning ignorance.

"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," Valaila responded as she inched closer to her husband that was leaning up against the elevators side wall.

"Oh really?" Lyon said as he reached for her and yanked her into his embrace, " seems like you've been a bad girl."

Valaila couldn't contain her laugh as she threw her head back, her lekku flinging about as she gasped out to Lyon, "you're a horrible flirt ya know that?"

"I can make up for it," Lyon smiled as he planted a deep longing kiss on his wife that she gladly returned.

Lyon began to move his hands down Valaila's sides until they rested on her hips, he rested them their as his wife ended the kiss and pushed away slowly with a smile and rested on the other side of the elevator and gave a devilish smile at Lyon that made he smile with pleasure.

"You're the most evil women I have ever met you know that?" Lyon said as he started at his Twi'lek wife who was slowly stroking her lekku and looking at him with a devious glint in her eyes.

"Oh I know, but you're just going to have to wait, I need dinner and wine first," she responded as the ding of the elevator reaching their floor and the elevator doors slowly opening to reveal the restored and maintenance part of the Star Apartment.

As Valaila  walked out of the elevator with a hipmitzed Lyon only one step behind they began to walk down the illuminated hallway of their apartment floor until Valaila finally stopped in front of a door that was labeled B-321, and had their fake last name on the door, Dorland.

"On three?" Lyon asked as he un-holstered his blaster pistol.

"Yep," Valaila said as she drew out a vibroknife and prepared for a mad rush to any possible intruders.

"One" Lyon said as he aimed at the door as Valaila grabbed the door handle.


"Three!" he said as she swung the door open and rushed inside with Lyon right behind her, gun raised and sweeping their living room of their apartment.

"Well, all clear," Valaila said as she turned around and walked over to the door and closed it with a satisfying click of its auto-lock.

Lyon smiled, they where paranoid as can be, Lyon had always been since he joined the profession. Valaila was only a newly paranoid convert, after a failed attempt on her life with a assassin that had waited in her old apartment on Courscant. Lyon walked over to the couch and just  fell on his arse onto the soft, fluffy couch.

"You can rest some, I'll make the dinner and my surprise  for you," Valaila said as she walked behind Lyon and planted a kiss on his right cheek and walked off towards the kitchen in their apartment. Lyon smiled, his wife knew when he needed a minute to think and recouperate from a day of hard work and hard mental thinking.

Lyon smiled though, as he remembered their time on Courscant, when the whole gang was together, him, the then single Valaila, Niklo, and the old, entergetic Wheequay pilot named Ike Korroda, the man had never fully matured, he loved to crack bad yet funny jokes at the worst of times. Even when he laid dying in Lyons arms after a firefight with the Black Suns on a deal gone wrong, he still cracked jokes. Well shit, if you wreck my ship after this, I'll come back and kill you! Atleast he had a smile on his lips as he finally closed his eyes for the last time. Valaila had been the one who had been the most distraught over it, Ike had saved Valaila when she was only a young girl in ragged clothes on getting off a refugee ship from the Outer Rim the day the bombing of Courscant began, he saved her that day. Since then they had become something of a father-daughter relationship, Lyon smiled when he first tried hitting on Valaila only to meet her 'father' that was right next to her. Fortunatley for Lyon they got along, and even became good friends.

"Hun?" Valaila said interrupting his thinking from behind the wall that lead to their kitchen, keeping herself neatly hidden from Lyons view "do you want your surprise or not?"

A large smile widened across Lyons face as he walked into the kitchen that had the lights dimmed and saw the table was elaborately placed with a single candle that was newly light in the center, but to Lyons delight the most beautiful part was the Twi'lek women that was in a dress that left very little to the imagination. He stopped and smiled at Valaila, who was smiling back with a smile  that showed that this night wouldn't be any normal night.

"Do you wish to join, love?" Valaila asked as she motioned to the seat at the small polished wooden table that she sat at with the food.

Lyon smiled a devious smile and walked over to Valaila who looked back up at him, with love in her eyes.

"Why not skip dinner, and get to the dessert?" he said as he grabbed her smooth hand and gently lifted her out of her seat.

"You're the worst flirt every Lyon, but I am a sucker for bad flirts," she laughed softly as he picked her up bridal style and held her close as Lyon carried her into their room and closing the door behind him, and the auto-shades kicking in as he laid her down on the bed and kissed her gently on the neck.

"I wont let anything ever happen to you Val, I promise," Lyon whispered in between kisses.

"I know," Valaila whispered back.

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