Chapter 6 - Sean

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She missed me. You didn't think of someone every day if you don't miss them. Knowing that she missed me made the heartache of the last eight year lessen slightly.

The day we decided we would lose her was the worst day of my life. It was all or nothing, and in the end, it was nothing, and I was left feeling empty. But she was here, and she was telling me she missed me.

"I thought of you too, Pookie." She sucked in a breath when I called her Pookie, but she didn't pull back like she did this morning. My little lost destiny baby was getting used to me again. I tentatively took her hand in mine, and made sure to give her plenty of time to stop me if she didn't want that. When she didn't, my heart raced at having her delicate hands back in mine, being so near her.

I could feel the exhaustion creeping back in, but I didn't want to miss a minute with her. She was here, holding my hand, and I was the happiest man alive.

Sang was quiet, and I wondered what was going on in that beautiful brain of hers. Her face was rapt in concentration, and her eyes had that calculating look that Kota always got when he's sorting out a plan in his head.

"Sean?" she hedged quietly.

"Yes, Pookie?" Now that she wasn't cringing at the name, I was going to call her that all the time.

"Would you please go lay down? You look like you haven't slept in days."

I sighed, not wanting to leave her, but knowing that she was right. I needed sleep.

"Fine," I muttered petulantly, and thought of ways to prolong my visit with her.

Sang stood up and moved out of the room towards the small hallway she went down before. Five minutes later she was back, and I had no clue what to say. I remained silent as I tried to come up with a way to see her again, to secure my place in her future. To do anything that would make her want to stay with me—with us.

"Sean," Sang called from her stop near the hallway entrance. "Did you not want to take a nap?" She motioned to the door down the hallway and I put two and two together and broke out into a smile. Staying with Pookie? Nothing would make me happier.

"Why yes, Nurse Pookie, I do believe I was due for some sleep," I sing songed as I followed her down the short hallway. She giggled, and I held in my need to give her my favorite cure. Too soon, Sean. Keep yourself together.

On entering her room, I realized what she was doing in here a few minutes ago. Fresh sheets had been placed on the bed, the curtains were drawn so that it was dark in the room, and soothing music had been turned on. She had everything set up just how I liked it, and my heart flipped in my chest. She remembered.

I turned to look back at her, and she stood there with her arms folded across her chest and a stern look on her face. "You," she commanded, "in bed. Now. I don't want to see you for at least four hours."

I resisted the urge to salute her, instead settling for taking a running leap into her bed, bouncing as I landed.

"Yes, ma'am," I sassed back, and she giggled.

"I'll make dinner, Sean. You sleep for a while."

"Goodnight, Pookie."

"Goodnight, Sean."

When she closed the door behind her, I was sad for a few moments. I had hoped that she would come cuddle up with me, and that we could take a nap together, maybe go and ogle the babies after waking up. Alas, we were not quite back to that point.

I rolled over on my side, and my nose picked up a familiar scent. Her pillow smelled faintly of her shampoo, and I inhaled deeply. Home. I feel asleep then, engulfed in a cocoon of budding love for her.

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