Chapter 1

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"Nora can you come to my office?" The voice of my boss echoed through the phone as I sat in my swivel chair. I was trying to get work done for new issue coming out this week, the finishing touches, but whatever Mark, my boss, asked came first.

"Yeah Mark?" I took a step in, hands behind my back as I politely came to his desk. 

"I know we have an issue coming out this week, but an opportunity has come up today we cannot let go and I want you to take it." I was shocked to say the least. I never had the big assignments, let alone anything he assigned me personally.

"Don't you think with the issue and everything that it might get a little hectic trying to do that as well?" I asked and he just smiled.

"Nora, we have just got an agreement to a ten minute interview with the biggest celebrity in Boston, hell, America practically." My eyes widened, who could that even be? Mark Wahlberg? 

"Tom Brady from the New England Patriots." My mouth dropped, that man never agreed to practically being interviewed ever!

"Wha- really?!" I asked stunned, my polite exterior cracking. 

"Yep. He has agreed to do an interview tomorrow here and you will be conducting it. You will be asking these questions." He handed me a list of questions and I read them over before folding them up.

"Thank you so much!" I giggled, shaking his hand and he just laughed.

"Why so excited?" He asked.

"I grew up here in Boston and Boston sports have been my life since day one. Tom Brady?! The greatest of all time?! I just can't even imagine I get to spend ten minutes talking to him." I started to walk out as he just laughed.

"I'm glad to give it to you then Nora. Don't make us look stupid though." I gave him a thumbs up and plopped back into my chair, flabbergasted that this was my assignment.  


"Are you ready for today?" I sighed, wasn't that the question of the hour. My best friend and confidant Marie was helping me today get dressed and ready and lets just say I wasn't ready AT ALL.

"Nope. Not at all. How about this one?" I asked, lifting up yet another pant suit. She scrunched her face, standing up and taking it from me before walking back to my closet.

"This one." she handed me a white button up with a built in white scarf that ties up and a navy blue pencil skirt. I took it from her and smiled.

"You think?" I asked, putting it against me so I could see it in the mirror. "Totally. It's professional and sexy, but not too sexy. Just enough." I laughed, but I did take it seriously.

"I'm gonna go with it." She clapped her hands as I stripped and threw it on. I had only known Marie for about a year, she moved here from Philadelphia to join our team and needless to say, I couldn't really convert her to Boston sports, still an Eagles fan unfortunately. One day though. 

"You look amazing. Just yes." She said as I wiped away the wrinkles and took another glance before slipping on my black heels. 

"I think I'm ready to crush it." I said, grabbing my clutch, keys and phone with Marie close behind.

"I can't wait to see what kind of article will come from this!" She yelled with excitement as I left the apartment off to work.

Oh yeah, Marie was also my roommate and didn't have to work today so the lucky bitch got to stay at home. Oh well, I get to meet Tom Brady today.


"Mr. Brady will be here soon." The nerves were starting to build so incredibly high as a man came in to tell me. 

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