Jacksepticeye X Reader - Part 34 (Irish arguing)

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You sat in the car for about 15, 20 minutes now. Before that you went to Starbucks and got yourself and the potato man this...

He better not like it

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He better not like it. That way if he doesn't more for you and baby. But knowing him he'll live off them for the rest of his life. Ohh well I'll just say they're crushed up highlighters. That may put him off. Probably not you're drinking one and, even if you wasn't he'd drink it anyways.

You was think about Christmas while waiting for Sean. You didn't have a clue on what to get him. It's worth an ask though soon as this mess is finished. Not long after Sean arrived back to the car. You unlock the boot for him so he could get the shopping in. "So how was your boredom in the car?" Sean sarcastically brought up. "Not that bad. First I went to Starbucks and go a drink." You answer. "Yet WE were meant to be going together." Sean attempted to make you feel guilty while putting the bags in the boot. "I got you something chill out, dip shit." You close and lock the boot. "What is it?" Sean sighed. "Crushed up pink and purple highlighters." You enter the car. "Why you in a mood?" Sean asked. "Ohh you wasn't joking. Is Starbucks trying to kills us or something?" Sean lifted up the drink rather puzzled. "I think they're nice." You clip on your seat belt. "Taste of medicine." Sean taste it some more. "But not bad other wise I wouldn't be drinking it." Sean drank more of the neon coloured drink.

Ten minutes into the car ride home either of you made conversation. You was still in a mood with Sean but he didn't understand why. But to be honest you didn't really understand why. It's mostly hormones kicking in. Normally pregnant woman get them rather bad when it come to this stage.

"So you still not talking to me?" Sean brought in conversation final. "I don't know." You answer not knowing what to say. "Well you want me to explain what I want to say to you?" He offered. "Wait until the shopping is unpacked then go ahead. I don't want to get into an argument now and crash the car." You spoke not giving less on anything right now, you just want to sit down and chill out. Even though you haven't done much today you felt rather tired. "Fine then." Sean sighed gazing out of the window fed up and bored.

In front of your house you and Sean grabbed some shopping each and took the baby furniture to where the babies room will be. At the moment it's just a boring old room with nothing in it... Accept from a few dead flies.

"Right do you want to do the measurements for the carpets, walls and curtains or chill out?" Sean dropped his bags to the side. "I though you was gonna explain something to me?" You cross your arms. "Ohh yeah. Don't be a jealous ass." Sean smiled meaning to annoy you. "Excuse me?" You walk up to him to get a better explanation.

"Do I look and sound like that person who would cheat on the person they truly love? If I didn't love you I wouldn't have a baby with you, if I didn't love I wouldn't of proposed to you!" Sean started to yell and show aggression. "YOU DON'T WANT A BABY JACK! YOU said in videos in the past you don't want children for at least another ten years and when pants on fire was on you said you didn't want our baby! EXPLAIN THAT!" You shout back crossing your eyes. "FOR FUCK SAKE (Y-N) I DIDN'T MEAN ANY OF IT, YOU FECKIN' BITCH!" Sean proper growled at you for the first time and gave you the worst insult you hate the most. Your eyes widened at his horrific words and you bitch slapped him across the face that sent him to the floor. "CALL ME A BITCH AGAIN!? You threaten Jack by tightening your fists and slamming the door clean, shut behind you.

"Jack you fuckin' idiot." Sean laid out on the floor knowing he shouldn't of hurt you mentally one bit and, he knew he deserved what he got, the good old woman slap across the face.

Back over to you.

You played about on Social Media like you did. Interacting with people to calm you down is the best thing of all.

Back over to Sean

He measured out the lengths and sizes of the floors and walls for the babies room so you could get the new, clean and fresh carpet and wallpaper in as soon as possible.

Time flew past and you started to get more and more tired by the day. Sean was still up but I think he was finished measuring. You headed to the bedroom and immediately walked back out. "Wow wow wow where you going?" Sean stopped you. "Living room." You instant reply. "If you don't want to share a bed then attest let me take the sofa. So then you're not in any discomfort." Sean stood up with his phone and charger ready to leave for you. "I don't know. I thought bitches were meant to sleep in Kennels, or on the floor?" You cross your arms getting cocky. "Aww please don't be like that i didn't mean it. I didn't mean to call you a bitch, to hurt you, up set you. Please forgive me." Sean requested you to forgive him. You paused for a few seconds and commented back with "I'll think about." And laid down in bed. "Ok... You want me on the sofa still?" Sean asked. "I'm not bothered just don't glue yourself to me if you're in bed." You turn your side of the lamp off and try to get some sleep.

YummyGhost (A-N)

Sadly I'm not doing anything special for Christmas because I'm too busy and I won't have the time to write a one shot or an extra chapter, because all stories I'm working on is pre-written until the new year. But...

Merry Christmas everyone. Have a wonderful holiday and new year from me YummyGhost. If you don't celebrate Christmas and you do something else I still wish you you a happy holiday and new year.
And yes chapters will be going up as normal even though it's the holidays. :)

Again Happy Christmas/Holiday.
And hopefully I'll see you in the comments if not next Friday. :p
                 👋 Bye Bye 👋

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