Forever and always

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   She waited all night long for him to come home but he never did. She sat on the couch waiting and waiting but he never came. He never walked in the front door, he never called, he never told her goodbye. He went to the store to find a perfect ring, but he never came home. He was driving down the road and a car hit him, he went flying out the front window and he never told her how much she meant to him. The cops went to their house, knock-knock-knock, she opened the door and they said he died on the spot, she started to cry, they said their apologizes and left. She went to their bedroom laid on the bed and said "Why didn't you say something or telling me you were going out?" She paused as if to hear an answer but all she heard was silence. She laid there and laid there,until finally said "Forever and always my love, forever and always." and went to bed, feeling as if he was there with her sleeping instead of in the coldness of the morgue, and the sound of her sweet voice saying, "Forever and always my love, forever and always."

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