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1)How did you discover Wattpad ? 

-I was actually looking for a way to read books for free, and I found this website and someone had the books I wanted to read on there so I started reading them. And then I started looking around on wattpad and found JustKrissy and was super inspired by her writing.

2)What books have most influenced your life most?

-Books that have inspired me are Hunger Games, Deliruim, Across The Universe books like that...

3)What book are you reading now, and what are your favorite books? Name 3.

I am reading The Bell Jar right now.My favs are Deliruim, The Giver, Hunger Games... How did you

4)get the inspiration to write about "The Way I Loved You " And "Carry Me Home Tonight"?

-I had read around on wattpad for a while now and everyone was doing the whole bestfreinds brother thing and so I decided to take a twist on it and was obvisouly inspired by Taylor Swifts song The Way I Loved You, and that is how it became to be :) -And after The Way I Loved You I just couldn't let it go and I had always had this idea of the boy behind the locked door, and again everyone had been doing the whole girl in a corner and the guy trys to break her out of her shell and well I reversed it :)

5)When Did you first start writing ?

-I started writing for real in 2008

6)Do you take constructive criticism ?

-I LOVE contructive criticism, but I hate people just being rude :(

7)What Do you think makes a good story ?

-A good story has to have a good plot with unique twists and charcters, and good writing and grammer. I hate how stories become ppular on here for having like sex and drugs used in it when the writing is crap! Sorry big pet peeve lol

8)Who is Your favorite author? (In And out of Wattpad )

-On wattpad it has to be Reekles she is amazing and outside of wattpad it has to be Lauren Oliver :)

9)What Message would you give your fans ?

-Message to fans, just be true to yourself and don't try to conform. Write what you want not what you think will make you popular! You always need to love what you write or you won't stay with it.

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