Chapter 2: Girlfriend?

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Ally's pov

*Knock Knock Knock*

I went to open the door and it was....................

Jacob and a girl?

"Hi Ally! Is Mark home?" Jacob says

"Yeah! I'll get him" I say

5 Minutes Later

"Hey Jacob, what's up? Who's that beside you?" Mark says as he approaches Jacob and does this handshake that every guy does

"Nothing much, oh her well she's my girlfriend Luna" Jacob says

"Luna? Your girlfriend?" I asked as I was shocked

I ran upstairs to my room crying because I never knew Jacob had a girlfriend

I was crying until I heard a knock

"Who's there?" I asked as I wiped a tear off my cheek

"It's your brother!" Mark says

"Ok, come in" I say

"What's wrong?" Mark asked

"Nothing" I say

"Come on Ally! Tell me. Is it about Jacob?" Mark says

"Well, it is because he never told me he had a girlfriend!" I say

"Do you want him to get out?" Mark say

Ally: Yes please

Mark: Ok

Mark's pov

Ally: Yes please

Mark: Ok

I was walking downstairs when I saw Luna (Jacob's girlfriend) crying

Mark: What happened here?

Jacob's pov

When Mark and Ally went upstairs, I decided to tell Luna I had to breakup with her but something went a little wrong

Jacob: Umm Luna

Luna: Yes Jacob, what's wrong?

Jacob: This is hard for me to tell you this but I'm breaking up with you

Luna: What? Why are you breaking up with me?

Jacob: I'm breaking up with you because I have feelings for someone else


Luna was gonna say something but she started to cry and then Mark came

Mark: What happened here?............

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