Jena, you really need to stop putting yourself down, sure you don't think your mum or brother love you but someone out there does! Never forget that! I swear to god if you killed yourself i would cry bc I've lost a fellow friend, Larry shipper, and a directioner. Youre my family Jena, please just keep crying and i promise everything will eventually get better! You're such an amazing girl and too young to be thinking about ending your life. Your mum does love you. You just don't see it. Imagine if you did kill yourself, your mum will feel like she was a disappointment and nit a good enough mother and what if she suffers depression as a result of you killing yourself and she does the same thing...ends her life...just think how many people would actually be affected if you ended your life here? Youre young Jena, keep going, grow up, move out and you wont have any problems. Find someone perfect and who truly makes you happy and you'll be fine. Everything will be fine. I promise <3