Better In Time 1/2

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Author's POV

Kieera was rushed to the hospital quickly Roc ran every light he could have. When they got there the nurses quickly rushed her in ICU they told Roc to wait in the waiting room, but he couldn't. Sasha and Prince were by his side.

"I don't know why I let her in this I stupid" Roc said angerily.

"It's not your fault I shouldn't have let her come with me I don't know what I was thinking." Sasha cried

"Look everything gonna be ok Kieera is a strong person trust me she can get through this" Prince said

"I really hope so" Roc said

Later on it been 2 hours they started to get worried and scared.

"What the fuck is taking so long" Roc yelled

"Stop yelling we all scared ok" Prince said getting worried

"What the hell happened to my sister" Diggy walked in angerily looking at them.

"She was shot" They all said in unison

"By who?" Diggy asked

"My mom she shot her without anyone looking" Sasha said sadly

"I thought she was out the gang businesses"

"I bring her with me in this I needed help finding Prod and we did I shot his ex and sooner or later they came" Sasha cried

"And I forced her to be in the shoot out" Prince inserted. 

"You forced my little sister to dothat and she didn't want to, but look what happen she could've died all thanks to you" Diggy angerily pushed him

Roc pushed him back then they was standing across from each other looking anger. Prince separated them apart.

"Look this not the time and the place to be doing this especially Kieera in there what would she say about this go sit ya'll ass down some where." Prince said

They separate from each other few minutes later they gang arrived.

"There's any news yet?" Ray asked

"No it been about 2 hours what they could possibly be doing in there" Roc said getting annoyed

Everybody sat down and waited and waited they all was quiet nobody hasn't said one word yet the attention was so thick a knife couldn't go through it.

After about another hour the doctor came in.

"Is there a family of Kieera White?" The doctor asked

Diggy stood up "I'm her brother and theses her friends but you have to tell us is she gonna be ok please let us know" Diggy cried. Bree was holding him

The doctor hesitated for a second and spoke "well...."



Sorry for the cliffhanger I had too

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