Aoba(dramatical murders)

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Warning!! Aoba might be too OC, I'm sorry for this.

'Today suppose to be the day I confess to him' my thoughts ring as I walked down the dark street, the echo sound of my footsteps is the only thing that can be heard right now, the street lights is dam, making harder to look in the dark. Today is pretty cold, perfect weather that resemble my feeling right now. 

'Dammit Clear...... You're lucky to be that cute or else.... well at least he made me some food.' I thought as I signed and ruffles my hair.
"Right when I had the courage to tell him *sign* Jesus hate me."
Suddenly from behind me, a chuckle can be heard, making me startled a little, recognized that sweet voice everywhere, I begin to panic, heart beat fast while  trying hide my fluster face as I turn around, also wondering where the hell did he came from.....?

" A-A..*clear throat* Aoba.... What are you doing here? Where's" I said as I try to cover my face, curse at myself for letting it obvious for Aoba to know there's something wrong. 

" He's at my house right now, he suggest me to come spend the night with you to keep you safe, and because you have something to say to me." He said with a slight smirk on his handsome face, his yellow eyes pierce to into my heart, like he knew something I don't. This made my heart beat even harder.

"O-Oh, um...I just wanted to hang out with you, that's all." After a couple of seconds of awkward silent , I begin to walk toward my apartment with Aoba follow beside me.

"Hmm.... Is that so?" He slightly hummed, also sending shiver down my spine for some reason, there's something in his tone that made me feel a little bit uneasy, not the bad kind though, but I decided to ignore it. We continue to chatted on the way home, but there's something making it feel a little difference than normal.

   'I wonder why...' After a while,  we finally reached my apartment. As I was ready to put the key inside, Aoba suddenly hugged me from behind, his hand rest on my waist, his cool breath hit my neck make me feel butterflies inside my stomach.

" A-Aoba? Are you ok?" I asked while he pull my body even closer to him.

" Stop that...." His voice seem different than before, it was more raspy, and dripping with lust,  the smooth voice of his  making me feel weak against his touch, yearning for more.

"W-What?" Now I was really confuse, Aoba is the type of person who would rarely act like this unless it was him. But I can't help to feel excited at the same time. 'Wait....! Stop that (Y/N)!! You're acting like a slut!!'

" You should stop acting all cute like that, I can't control myself any longer you know." His sentence caught me of guard, this let his mouth found it's way to my left ear lobe, nibbling and pulling on it, the warm sensation sended yet another shiver down my spine, making it harder to talk.

" Ngnn...A-Aob-ba....S-Stop!" I immediately cover my mouth, heat rush to my face 'd-did I just moaned?'  feeling embarrassing from what I just did, I wanted to cover my face even more if it's even possible at this point, but before I could do it, Aoba swiftly grab my wrist, even though I couldn't see it, I can feel a smirk on his face. 

"Say it." He growl in my ear, his voice making my body weaker each minute passed. "Say w-what?" I ask with my trembling voice, trying my best not to crack, waiting for what he will say next.

" Say that you like me, so I don't have to hold myself any longer."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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