Cheating on me Never!

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When I got back I could not find Louis at all and I find a note saying he went to pick up some lunch .

So I called him.

"Superman,please tell me you didn't leave the house because of me?"

"No, I went to pick up some hairspray for you actually since Perrie took your can"

"Oh , your such a nice boyfriend !"

"I know"

"HeyIm going to meet you in the park ok?"


I really do not like when he is out because he finds one of his friends and doesn't seem to care bout me at all just them.

I went to the park and I see Louis making out with my best friend Kayla!

He saw me and I just walked away crying , see I told you he doesn't want me anymore because I wasn't good enough for him!

I see him running after me but I stopped and fell on my knees crying and he came to me .

"Maria, I'm sorry I cheated on you , your best friend was jealous of us dating and that she doesn't get me because I'm her fave from the band and than she forced me to kiss her and I was crying as well , I really didn't wan to bur your feelings, please tell me you forgive me and still love me ?"

"Is this a joke or something , I need sometime alone , since that I forgive and yes I still love you , just I need to calm down and Kayla we stopped being friends when I told her we were best friends ." I got up and went to him and hugged him , his eyes were like red and puffy because he cried too much for me . I can't believe this he really does love me and I was being such a moron not to belive it. He puts his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck and I kissed him.

"Wait, how did she know that you were here in the park!"

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