So Many Ways To Fall Apart

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Life continued on outside the dark and gloomy sanctuary which was Kankri's basement. People wandered about, breathing air with perfect flexibility and freedom. Birds chanted their songs laced with sanctity as the wavering trees danced with the wind-- complemented perfectly by the gleaming arrays of light flying upon the plants. The rushing water of the nearby river continued to flow along, taking away the memory of the body it carried with it gingerly. Nobody would recognize. Nobody would find the missing teenager that was now becoming mentally unstable behind closed doors that she now yearned to stay safe behind.

That is how he wanted it, and that is how it would remain... or so he thought.


Yellow-- the color of the police tape that encircled the house in which the trolls and the girl used to dwell in. Outside of the house paced a nervous Veronica, her long locks dancing around her form as she sat there to ponder what she had brought upon herself. Was this some sort of karma? Maybe the effect of a deity! No, for the girl had made every mistake necessary to allow Karkat to disappear. She couldn't comprehend how all of this had taken place in the mere time frame of a few days. Police men swarmed the house like bees to a hive full of culminated and sweet honey. Everyone around was tense, not wishing to speak of the situation as how dire it was. Veronica had every right to be anxious when her self proclaimed friend and enemy both disappeared, and it seemed as though everything was well warranted.

"Veronica Lively!" Exclaimed a man briskly. His uniform gleaming slightly as he stood before her.

"Y-Yes officer!" Coed the girl innocently as she bit at the tender and loose flesh that surrounded her teeth.

"We have decided to bring you down to the station for questioning, seeing as you are the only witness left that is alive."

Veronica's crystal orbs expanded to the size of approximately a saucer as she peered to the police man. Tears began to prick at the corners of her eyes, her quivering lips sufficing as an indication of the water that was about to fall down her cheeks. She tugged at the clothing that danced over her form like a painting upon a canvas, her nails digging into her flesh violently-- as if she might feel his hand in hers one last time. "You can count on me to find whoever did this officer!" She exclaimed, her form shaken out of disbelief and hatred boiling into one singular emotion.


Laid out upon the metal table, your budding breasts rose and fell in panic. Sweat dripped down your skin, making your flesh stick together in an odd manner. Your form lashed against the surface in a flurry of movements. You had finally regained consciousness, and everything from your dream rushed back to your head. Your thoughts had been obscured by the vision that came into your mind when your body was resting and trying to replenish your energy and sanctity. For some reason the pity that you had felt carried out into your reality. Your form thrashed against the restraints and your eyes met the man before you, his features permanently etched into the fabric of the mind. His words rang through your ears, somewhat filling you with lust for this game. You could make pretty noises for him-- play him a discordant symphony composed of a plethora of your cries. All you knew now was that you wanted to please him-- please the god of the man before you.

The light shone behind him once more, making him appear as a holy ghost and allowing him to enthrall you more and more. "My attention is all yours..." You hissed, the words coming out of your throat deprived of genuine emotion.

"G99d.. I want y9u t9 6e fully aware 9f what I'm g9ing t9 d9 t9 y9u." He called with a few chuckles laced within his tone.

He leaned in closer, ignoring everything as he grasped onto your chin forcefully, pain shooting throughout your mouth. Your lips remained slightly agape as your head was tilted back slightly. "Y9u kn9w that day y9u caught me getting 9ff t9 y9ur image?" He asked rhetorically, his breathing dancing against your lips. "This 9ught t9 w9rk 9ut 6etter n9w that y9u're here t9 please me..." He called briskly before leaning in closer. He jammed his tongue into your mouth, before digging his teeth into your bottom lip. He sucked at your tongue, making you feel that any moment he would suck it right out of your moist cavern. You whimpered into the kiss, squirming slightly, only to feel his hand engulf your neck, nails digging into your tender flesh until warm crimson rushed down his grey fingers. He forcefully pulled away, yanking at your tongue and leaving a strand of saliva connecting the both of you in a way of intimacy and pleasure. He giggled sharply, before shoving his hand down your throat, claws and all dancing against your uvula. The metallic taste of your own blood and the feeling of his nails at the back of your throat was enough to make your eyes water and your head rear back. "Y9ur gag reflex is pathetic... n9 w9rries, dearest, y9u'll get m9re practice." He yanked his hand back out of your mouth, your coughing making him seemingly annoyed as he felt compelled enough to punch at your chest. "I will have n9 disrespectful s9unds... y9u aren't very c9nsiderate 9f y9ur savi9r." He hissed out, before retracting his hand, a loud zip becoming audible from your waiting place.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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