chapter 5

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Rocky: ok I won't chill dude god.

Ross: sorry for yelling I just got upset.

Rocky: it's fine she is really sexy.

Ross: Rocky dude!

Rocky: sorry.

~with stormie and Mark~

stormie: we need to go shopping want to come?

Mark: yea sure but what do we need to get?

stormie: really have you seen the fridge?

Mark: oh yea ha.

stormie let's go tell everyone that we are going shopping.

Mark: ok.

stormie and Mark:(both go down stairs)

Mark: hey guys we are going shopping we will be back soon.

boys: ok.

stormie: do you guys want to go?


stormie: ha ok tell the ross tell the girls we left.

ross: ok bye.

stormie and Mark:bye.

ross: be right back guys

ross: (goes upstairs in rydels room) hey mom and dad went shopping they told me to tell you.

rydel: ok me and Laura are going shopping in like ten minutes!

ross: ok.

~with Laura~

LAURA'S pvo: rydel gave me really high heals that make me 5 inches taller I don't know if I can walk in them they are silver and sparkling

~end of Laura's Pvo~

ross: (opens Laura's bedroom door and sees her putting on high heels) hey Laura my mom and dad went shopping they wanted me to tell you.

Laura: ok thanks and ross can you help me Stand up?

ross: yea sure. (walks over to Laura and gives her A hand)

Laura: thanks!

ross(let's go)

Laura: ahh ross! (starts to fall)

ross (catches Laura) I don't think you should wear high heels!

Laura: ha you think thanks for catching me!

ross: no problem um aren't you going to take those off?

Laura: I can't!

ross: what?

Laura: I can't move this sounds really weird but I can't sit down I will fall these are high for me and I never wear heels (falls on her bed) well never mind.

Ross: (starts laughing so hard falls on the floor)

Laura: really Ross (takes off heels stands up and looks at Ross) really?

Ross(kind of laughing) yes really.

Laura :whatever!

Ross: (stands up) well I will let you get ready!

Laura: thanks!

ross: (leaves and go down stairs) hey guys.

ryland: hey.

riker: what took so long?

ross: what do you mean?

Rocky: you were gone for like 6 minutes!

ross: that is not long!

ryland: it is to tell some one something.

ross: I was talking to Laura.

Rocky: oh did you ask her out?

ross: no I hardly know her!

riker: well time is ticking one of us will ask her out.

ross: no don't!

ryland: ok ok.

ross: good.

(rydel and Laura walk down stairs)

rydel: bye guys we are going to the mall.

riker: ok.

thanks for reading you guys are awesome raura will happen soon maybe even rydellingtion

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